Creating Content in Cascade

Learn to build in Cascade from the ground up.

Laying the Foundation for Your Content

There's two sides to working in Cascade, the back-end and the front-end. 

  • The back-end is something that only editors and publishers see, it includes the asset tree that holds unique folders, and all the assets held within those folders (e.g., digital assets and web pages). 
  • The front-end is olemiss.eduit's everything the user sees as they browse through all of our different pages. 

This page is going to cover the back-end of Cascade, where you'll spend most of your time as an editor and publisher. 

Here are some of the foundational things you need to know to understand and utilize the back-end of Casade. Mastering these skills will make it that much easier for you to get your message out to the world.