Engineering Science, Ph.D.
Solve pressing challenges in energy, the environment, medicine, and more with an engineering degree from an R1-classified research institution.

About the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Science
You’re not satisfied with just understanding the world around you; your goal is to change it. A Ph.D. in Engineering Science from Ole Miss unlocks those doors. Here, you’ll learn from faculty driven by the same goals and committed to sharing their knowledge with a new generation.
As a doctoral candidate in the School of Engineering, you’re here for tomorrow — but don’t overlook our past. We were established in 1900, making us the oldest school of engineering in Mississippi. Now, nearly 125 years later, we’re counted among the leading research institutions in the country.
All degree emphases have one thing in common — a focus on bolstering economic development, the environment, health, or security. Many of those fields are closely intertwined with other disciplines. As a result, you gain invaluable experience collaborating with other researchers while developing new perspectives on the problems you’re trying to solve.
By the time you graduate, you are ready for a career in academia, corporate research and development, or government service.
The Ph.D. in engineering science is offered in a number of emphasis areas: aeroacoustics, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computational hydroscience, computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, electromagnetics, environmental engineering, geology, geological engineering, hydrology, mechanical engineering, and material science and engineering.
On this Page…
Program Information
Program Type
Doctorate Program
Area of Study
Ph.D. in Engineering Science
Program Location
Required Credit Hours
Ph.D. in Engineering Emphases
A graduate degree from the Ole Miss School of Engineering will prepare you for a career in industry, research and development, or public/government service.
As a Ph.D. student, focus your studies on one of 12 areas of emphasis. In many cases, your research will overlap with other fields.
Chemical Engineering
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in aeroacoustics prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with emphasis in aeroacoustics requires a minimum 66 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate degree. The student’s adviser must approve all course selections.
Other Academic Requirements
At the adviser's discretion, a preliminary examination may be required at or near the beginning of the student’s work beyond the master’s degree. A comprehensive written examination must be passed before entering the dissertation process.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in chemical engineering prepares graduates to apply chemical engineering science (transport phenomena, thermodynamics, chemical reaction engineering, and applied mathematics). It enables them to independently execute complex projects and pursue successful careers in engineering, medicine, law, professional education, public policy, the military, management, and sales. It further equips them with the experience to conduct research —generating and disseminating new knowledge.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in chemical engineering requires a minimum of 54 hours of graduate credit past the bachelor's degree. No specific courses are required beyond those specified for the M.S. thesis option. The remainder of the coursework is agreed upon by the student and his or her committee, 18 hours of which must be dissertation (Engr 797) credit. Students whose undergraduate degree is not in chemical engineering may need to take additional courses to satisfy prerequisites.
Other Academic Requirements
Students in the Ph.D. track must achieve a GPA of 3.25 or higher on 12 credit hours selected by the committee from Engr 665, Engr 669 or any Ch E 500-/600-level course. Selection must be done by the end of the first semester. To be admitted to candidacy, the student must successfully complete the preselected courses and pass a qualifying examination. The exam consists of writing and defending an Original Research Proposal (ORP). After the ORP, the Ph.D. candidate must successfully complete a dissertation prospectus, then write and defend a dissertation.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in environmental engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public service. Depending on their career focus, students can concentrate in any of the following specialty areas: water resources, watershed systems, hydrology, surface water quality, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, air pollution, groundwater modeling and remediation, and remote sensing and geospatial technologies. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines, such as geology, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with emphasis in environmental engineering requires 24 hours of course work beyond a master’s degree or 48 hours beyond a bachelor’s degree, and 18 hours of dissertation credit. At least two courses must be in mathematics (e.g., Engr 591-Engineering Analysis I, Engr 592- Engineering Analysis II, Math 555-Advanced Calculus I, Math 556-Advanced Calculus II, Math 575-Mathematical Statistics I), one course must be in numerical method (e.g., Engr 590-Finite Element Analysis), and one course must be in mechanics (e.g., Engr 617-Continuum Mechanics). Other graduate course work must be approved by the student's advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
Completion of a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation defense is required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in materials science and engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics or chemistry.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in materials science and engineering requires 30 semester hours of course work beyond the master's degree as specified and approved by the student’s advisory committee, plus 12 hours of research and 18 dissertation hours.
Other Academic Requirements
Written and oral qualifying examinations, comprehensive examinations, a dissertation prospectus, and the dissertation defense are required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass the written and oral comprehensive exams.
Civil Engineering
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in civil engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in engineering research and development, education, industry, or public service. The program offers a choice of several concentration areas: structures, geotechnical engineering, construction materials, water resource engineering, environmental engineering, transportation systems, infrastructure asset management, and earthquake and disaster response management.
Mission Statement
The program will provide high quality graduate education in a range of civil engineering disciplines and will produce research and scholarship that is nationally recognized and supports the economic development of the state, the region, and the nation.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. degree with emphasis in civil engineering requires the following coursework:
For students entering the Ph.D. directly from a B.S.: 36 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
For students entering the Ph.D. from an M.S.: 24 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
For students entering the Ph.D. from an M.S. at the University of Mississippi: 12 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
Combining the student's M.S. and Ph.D. programs, at least two courses need to be in mathematics (e.g., Engr 591-Engineering Analysis I, Engr 592-Engineering Analysis II, Math 555-Advanced Calculus I, Math 556-Advanced Calculus II, Math 575-Mathematical Statistics I), one course in numerical methods (e.g., Engr 590-Finite Element Analysis), and one course in mechanics (e.g., Engr 617-Continuum Mechanics). Additional hours of Graduate Seminar may be required. Other graduate coursework must be approved by the student's advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
A qualifying examination, comprehensive examination, dissertation prospectus, and dissertation defense are needed. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in environmental engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public service. Depending on their career focus, students can concentrate in any of the following specialty areas: water resources, watershed systems, hydrology, surface water quality, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, air pollution, groundwater modeling and remediation, and remote sensing and geospatial technologies. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines, such as geology, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. degree with emphasis in environmental engineering requires the following coursework:
For students entering the Ph.D. directly from a B.S.: 36 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
For students entering the Ph.D. from an M.S.: 24 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
For students entering the Ph.D. from an M.S. at the University of Mississippi: 12 hours of coursework and 18 hours of dissertation.
Combining the student's M.S. and Ph.D. programs, at least two courses need to be in mathematics (e.g., Engr 591-Engineering Analysis I, Engr 592-Engineering Analysis II, Math 555-Advanced Calculus I, Math 556-Advanced Calculus II, Math 575-Mathematical Statistics I), one course in numerical methods (e.g., Engr 590-Finite Element Analysis), and one course in mechanics (e.g., Engr 617-Continuum Mechanics). Additional hours of Graduate Seminar may be required. Other graduate coursework must be approved by the student's advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
Completion of a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation defense is required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. This degree is cross-listed between several departments within the School of Engineering. The student’s home department is the same as the student’s academic adviser’s home department. This degree covers the fields of surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, computational hydroscience and/or hydraulic engineering.
Course Requirements
For the Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience, a student must complete a minimum of 36 hours beyond the B.S. degree and 18 hours of dissertation credit. Graduate coursework must be approved by the student's advisory committee. Below is a full list of recommended courses. In addition to the previously mentioned credit hours, students must enroll in a 1-hour graduate seminar each semester.
Students must choose from this recommended list:
- Engr 591 - Engineering Analysis I
- Engr 593 - Approximate Methods of Engr Analysis I
- Engr 609 - Time Series Analysis
- Engr 617 - Continuum Mechanics
- Engr 620 - Advanced Remote Sensing
- Engr 625 - Adv. Topics in Computational Mechanics
- Engr 636 - Groundwater Mechanics
- Engr 637 - Groundwater Modeling
- Engr 711 - Turbulence
- Engr 597 - Advanced Geospatial Analysis
- Engr 598 - Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Engr 604 - Fluid Dynamics II
- Engr 573 - Environmental Remediation
- Engr 645 - Contaminant Transport
- Engr 618 - Vadose Zone Hydrology
- Engr 616 - Isotope Hydrogeology
- Engr 627 - Applied Probability Modeling
- Math 555 - Advanced Calculus I
- Math 556 - Advanced Calculus II
- Math 575 (675 / 775) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 576 (676 / 776) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics II
- C E 541 - Flow in Open Channels
- C E 572 - Stormwater Engineering and Management
- Ch E 560 - Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 561 - Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Geol 500 - Introduction to GIS
- Geol 505 - Hydrogeology
- Geol 615 - Geostatistics
- G E 510 - Remote Sensing
- G E 503 - Environmental Geochemistry
- Csci 526 - Parallel Computing
- Csci 547 - Digital Image Processing
Other Academic Requirements
Other academic requirements include passing written and oral comprehensive exams including dissertation prospectus and dissertation defense. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in materials science and engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics or chemistry.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in materials science and engineering requires 30 semester hours of course work beyond the master's degree as specified and approved by the student’s advisory committee, plus 12 hours of research and 18 dissertation hours.
Other Academic Requirements
Written and oral qualifying examinations, comprehensive examinations, a dissertation prospectus, and the dissertation defense are required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass the written and oral comprehensive exams.
Computer and Information Science
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in computer science prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as electrical engineering, physics, biology, and the liberal arts.
Course Requirements
For the Ph.D. in engineering science with an emphasis in computer science, the student must present a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field or the equivalent and take additional classes adding up to 48 hours of approved graduate-level course work (excluding the 18+ semester hours of dissertation research). This may include no course numbered lower than Csci 510, and a minimum of 18 hours must be in computer science courses at the 600 level. The student may count up to 9 credit hours of independent study taught by Department of Computer and Information Science faculty members toward the degree.
Other Academic Requirements
The student must pass the comprehensive examination and the preliminary oral examination (dissertation prospectus).
Electrical and Computer Engineering
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in computer engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics and computer science.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in computer engineering requires at least 48 hours of course work and at least 18 hours of dissertation credit. Of the 48 hours of course work, 12 hours must be in an approved minor area, at least 2 hours must be in seminar, and no more than 6 hours can come from research credit outside the dissertation. Course work must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
A written comprehensive exam is taken during the first year of residency.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in electromagnetics prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics and mathematics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in electromagnetics requires 36 semester hours in the major field out of a required total of 48 semester hours of graded course work beyond the bachelor’s degree. Included in these requirements are the following core courses: Advanced Electrodynamics (Engr 721); Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (Engr 626); Passive Microwave Circuits (Engr 723); and Seminar (Engr 695, two semester hours). Other courses are to be taken in specific areas of electromagnetics, including microwave circuits, antennas, electromagnetics, and computational electromagnetics. These related courses include Engr 590, Engr 593, Engr 622, Engr 624, Engr 627, Engr 655, Engr 687, Engr 691, Engr 693 (no more than 2 semester hours), Engr 699, Engr 719, Engr 725, Engr 728, Engr 729, or other courses with approval. The candidate must take 12 semester hours of graded courses in a minor area (mathematics, physics, or another appropriate field with approval).
Other Academic Requirements
A written comprehensive exam is taken during the first year of residency.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in electrical engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics and computer science.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in electrical engineering requires at least 48 hours of course work and at least 18 hours of dissertation credit. Of the 48 hours of course work, 12 hours must be in an approved minor area, at least 2 hours must be in seminar, and no more than 6 hours can come from research credit outside the dissertation. Course work must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
A written comprehensive exam is taken during the first year of residency.
Geology and Geological Engineering
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in environmental engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public service. Depending on their career focus, students can concentrate in any of the following specialty areas: water resources, watershed systems, hydrology, surface water quality, stormwater, wastewater, solid waste, air pollution, groundwater modeling and remediation, and remote sensing and geospatial technologies. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines, such as geology, chemistry, biology, and mathematics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with emphasis in environmental engineering requires 24 hours of course work beyond a master’s degree or 48 hours beyond a bachelor’s degree, and 18 hours of dissertation credit. At least two courses must be in mathematics (e.g., Engr 591-Engineering Analysis I, Engr 592- Engineering Analysis II, Math 555-Advanced Calculus I, Math 556-Advanced Calculus II, Math 575-Mathematical Statistics I), one course must be in numerical method (e.g., Engr 590-Finite Element Analysis), and one course must be in mechanics (e.g., Engr 617-Continuum Mechanics). Other graduate course work must be approved by the student's advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
Completion of a qualifying examination, a comprehensive examination, a dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation defense is required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in geology prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as geological engineering and physics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in geology requires 54 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the bachelor’s degree; selection of courses must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
Successful completion of both written and oral comprehensive exams is required before undertaking the dissertation.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in geological engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as geology and physics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in geological engineering requires 54 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the bachelor’s degree; selection of courses must be approved by the student’s advisory committee.
Other Academic Requirements
Successful completion of both written and oral comprehensive exams is required before undertaking the dissertation.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. This degree is cross-listed between several departments within the School of Engineering. The student’s home department is the same as the student’s academic adviser’s home department. This degree covers the fields of surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, computational hydroscience and/or hydraulic engineering.
Course Requirements
For the Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience, a student must complete a minimum of 36 hours beyond the B.S. degree and 18 hours of dissertation credit. Graduate coursework must be approved by the student's advisory committee. Below is a full list of recommended courses. In addition to the previously mentioned credit hours, students must enroll in a 1-hour graduate seminar each semester.
Students must choose from this recommended list:
- Engr 591 - Engineering Analysis I
- Engr 593 - Approximate Methods of Engr Analysis I
- Engr 609 - Time Series Analysis
- Engr 617 - Continuum Mechanics
- Engr 620 - Advanced Remote Sensing
- Engr 625 - Adv. Topics in Computational Mechanics
- Engr 636 - Groundwater Mechanics
- Engr 637 - Groundwater Modeling
- Engr 711 - Turbulence
- Engr 597 - Advanced Geospatial Analysis
- Engr 598 - Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Engr 604 - Fluid Dynamics II
- Engr 573 - Environmental Remediation
- Engr 645 - Contaminant Transport
- Engr 618 - Vadose Zone Hydrology
- Engr 616 - Isotope Hydrogeology
- Engr 627 - Applied Probability Modeling
- Math 555 - Advanced Calculus I
- Math 556 - Advanced Calculus II
- Math 575 (675 / 775) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 576 (676 / 776) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics II
- C E 541 - Flow in Open Channels
- C E 572 - Stormwater Engineering and Management
- Ch E 560 - Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 561 - Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Geol 500 - Introduction to GIS
- Geol 505 - Hydrogeology
- Geol 615 - Geostatistics
- G E 510 - Remote Sensing
- G E 503 - Environmental Geochemistry
- Csci 526 - Parallel Computing
- Csci 547 - Digital Image Processing
Other Academic Requirements
Other academic requirements include passing written and oral comprehensive exams including dissertation prospectus and dissertation defense. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
Mechanical Engineering
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in aeroacoustics prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with emphasis in aeroacoustics requires a minimum 66 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate degree. The student’s adviser must approve all course selections.
Other Academic Requirements
At the adviser's discretion, a preliminary examination may be required at or near the beginning of the student’s work beyond the master’s degree. A comprehensive written examination must be passed before entering the dissertation process.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. This degree is cross-listed between several departments within the School of Engineering. The student’s home department is the same as the student’s academic adviser’s home department. This degree covers the fields of surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, computational hydroscience and/or hydraulic engineering.
Course Requirements
For the Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in hydrology and computational hydroscience, a student must complete a minimum of 36 hours beyond the B.S. degree and 18 hours of dissertation credit. Graduate coursework must be approved by the student's advisory committee. Below is a full list of recommended courses. In addition to the previously mentioned credit hours, students must enroll in a 1-hour graduate seminar each semester.
Students must choose from this recommended list:
- Engr 591 - Engineering Analysis I
- Engr 593 - Approximate Methods of Engr Analysis I
- Engr 609 - Time Series Analysis
- Engr 617 - Continuum Mechanics
- Engr 620 - Advanced Remote Sensing
- Engr 625 - Adv. Topics in Computational Mechanics
- Engr 636 - Groundwater Mechanics
- Engr 637 - Groundwater Modeling
- Engr 711 - Turbulence
- Engr 597 - Advanced Geospatial Analysis
- Engr 598 - Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Engr 604 - Fluid Dynamics II
- Engr 573 - Environmental Remediation
- Engr 645 - Contaminant Transport
- Engr 618 - Vadose Zone Hydrology
- Engr 616 - Isotope Hydrogeology
- Engr 627 - Applied Probability Modeling
- Math 555 - Advanced Calculus I
- Math 556 - Advanced Calculus II
- Math 575 (675 / 775) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics I
- Math 576 (676 / 776) - (Advanced) Mathematical Statistics II
- C E 541 - Flow in Open Channels
- C E 572 - Stormwater Engineering and Management
- Ch E 560 - Advanced Transport Phenomena I
- Ch E 561 - Advanced Transport Phenomena II
- Geol 500 - Introduction to GIS
- Geol 505 - Hydrogeology
- Geol 615 - Geostatistics
- G E 510 - Remote Sensing
- G E 503 - Environmental Geochemistry
- Csci 526 - Parallel Computing
- Csci 547 - Digital Image Processing
Other Academic Requirements
Other academic requirements include passing written and oral comprehensive exams including dissertation prospectus and dissertation defense. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in materials science and engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as physics or chemistry.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in materials science and engineering requires 30 semester hours of course work beyond the master's degree as specified and approved by the student’s advisory committee, plus 12 hours of research and 18 dissertation hours.
Other Academic Requirements
Written and oral qualifying examinations, comprehensive examinations, a dissertation prospectus, and the dissertation defense are required. Before admission to candidacy, the student must pass the written and oral comprehensive exams.
A Ph.D. in engineering science with emphasis in mechanical engineering prepares a student with advanced technical knowledge and communication skills for pursuing a career in industry, engineering research and development, or public/government service. Students entering the program come from a variety of engineering and nonengineering disciplines such as civil engineering and physics.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. with an emphasis in mechanical engineering requires 30 semester hours of course work as specified by the student’s advisory committee, plus 12 hours of research and 18 dissertation hours.
Other Academic Requirements
Comprehensive exams must be passed before entering the dissertation process.
Engineering graduate program coordinators
The university’s Graduate School can help with the application process and our engineering team of graduate program coordinators can help answer your questions about the specific programs.
Aeroacoustics Dr. Nathan Murray Chemical engineering Dr. Nathan Murray Civil engineering Dr. Yacoub Najjar Hydrology and computational hydroscience Dr. Mohammad Al-Hamdan Computer and information science Dr. Byung Jang Computer engineering Dr. Sakib Md. Hasan Electrical engineering Dr. Lei Cao | Electromagnetics Dr. Lei Cao Environmental engineering Dr. Yacoub Najjar Geology and Geological engineering Dr. Brian Platt Materials science and engineering Dr. Samrat Choudhury Mechanical engineering Dr. Tyrus McCarty Telecommunications Dr. John Daigle |
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