Michael Herrington
Instructor and Coordinator of Instructional Support for the ESL Program
Mr. Lance Herrington is an Instructor of Intensive English in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi. He is the Coordinator of Instructional Services for the the Intensive English Program.
Mr. Lance Herrington earned his B.A. in Art History from the University of Texas, his first M.A. in Art History and his second M.A. in TESOL from the University of Mississippi. He has taught English in Osaka, Japan, and Quito, Ecuador.
Courses Taught
- IE 011 Beginning Speaking and Listening
- IE 021 Intermediate Speaking and Listening
- IE 024 Intermediate Grammar
- IE 026 High Intermediate Reading
- IE 031 Advanced Speaking and Listening
- IE 032 Advanced Reading
- IE 036 English for Academic Purposes
- IE 039 Literature Written in English
- IE 044 Topics in ESL
- IE 049 Advanced Extensive Reading and Vocabulary
- IE 050 Topics in American Culture
- IE 051 Topics in Intercultural Communication
- IE 053 Speaking Accurately and Clearly
- AH 102 Intro to Non-Western Art
- AH 201 History of Art I
- Arhi 284 History of Art II
- Arhi 281 Intro to Western Art
- AH 315 Egyptian Art and Architecture
B.A. Art History, University of Texas at Austin (1993)
M.A. Art History, The University of Mississippi (1998)
M.A. Modern Languages, The University of Mississippi (2008)