Dr. Jimin Kahng is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi.
Research Interests
Dr. Kahng's research interests include second language (L2) speech, including how L2 oral language develops, in what way instruction facilitates the developmental process, and how to assess the development. My recent work has focused on L2 fluency development from its three different perspectives--cognitive, utterance, and perceived fluency.
After receiving her Ph.D. in Second Language Studies from Michigan State University, Dr. Kahng held faculty positions at Northeastern Illinois University and the University of Northern Iowa.
Courses Taught
- Lin 250 Intro to TESOL
- Lin 351 Language Acquisition
- Lin 552 Evaluation and Policy in Language Education
- Lin 650 Seminar in Second Language Acquisition
- Lin 651 Instructed Second Language Acquisition
- Lin 652 Advanced Methods of Teaching Second Lang.
- Lin 670 Critical Issues in Applied Linguistics
- Lin 691 Quantitative Research Methods
Ph.D. Second Language Studies, Michigan State University (2014)