Christiana Christodoulou

Research Assistant Professor of Modern Languages

Christiana Christodoulou

Dr. Christiana Christodoulou is a Research Assistant Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi.

Research Interests

Dr. Christodoulou's experimental research interests include: First Language Acquisition, Typical or Atypical Language Development, Genetic Disorders, Language and the Brain, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics

Dr. Christodoulou's theoretical research interests include: Morphology and Syntax Specifically Functional Categories (i.e. case, tense, person number, aspect, etc.) and Subjunctives, Interface Effects Across Different Linguistic Domains (e.g. interface between morphosyntax and phonetics)



“Wenácw Iz’: Sqwéqwel’s sLaura. ‘True Stories by Laura Thevarge’” The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 22, co-edited with Lisa Matthewson, John Lyon and Martin A. Oberg, 2008.

“The Forty-Third International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages.” The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 23 ICSNL LXIII, co-edited with John Lyon, 2009.


Christodoulou, C. & K. Wexler. (2022). Copula Omission in Down Syndrome. Journal of Language Learning and Development.

Christodoulou, C. & Tsimpli I. M. (2021). “Language Development in Southern Varieties of American English.” Proceedings of the 45th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, November 5–8, Boston, pp.157–170.

Christodoulou, C., & Grohmann, K.K. (2018). From First Steps to Full Acquisition: Comprehension of Subjunctive Clauses in Bilectal Children with Down Syndrome and Typical Language Development.” Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2018.00019.

Christodoulou, C., & K. Wexler. (2016). “The Morphosyntactic Development of Case in Down Syndrome.” Lingua 184, 25 – 52.

Christodoulou, C. (2015). “Morphosyntactic Illusions in Down Syndrome: The Role of Phonetics/ Phonology.” Proceedings of the 39th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 7 – 9 of November, Boston.

Christodoulou, C., & K. K. Grohmann. (2014). “Morphosyntactic Issues in the Development of Cypriot Greek Individuals with Down Syndrome.” Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 1 – 3 of November, Boston.

Christodoulou, C. (2013). “Tense and Aspect in Cypriot Greek Down Syndrome: Developmental Patterns and Coping Strategies.” In K. K. Grohmann (ed.) Three Factors and Beyond: The Socio-Syntax of (A)typical Language Acquisition and Development. 3FB: Language Development and Impairment. Linguistic Variation 13(2), 155 – 186. DOI/10.1075/lv.13.2.02chr

Christodoulou, C., and M. Wiltschko (2012). “Function without Content: Evidence from Greek Subjunctive na.” In A.M. Di Sciullo (ed.) Towards a Biolinguistic Understanding of Grammar: Essays on Interfaces, pp. 117 – 140. Linguistik Aktuell. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Christodoulou, C. (2009). “On Greek Pronouns and Coreference.” Proceedings of 23rd North West Linguistics Conference, Victoria, Vancouver Island, February, 2007.

Christodoulou, C. (2008a). “Anaphoric Relations with Greek Pronouns: Revisited.” Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, Vancouver, Canada.

Christodoulou, C. (2008b). “Í7wa7 i tsíkena, aoz kws kats’áqwstalíha i sqáwtsa. ‘The fried potatoes, even the chickens wouldn’t eat’.” In “Wenácw Iz’: Sqwéqwel’s sLaura. ‘True Stories by Laura Thevarge’.” The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 22 pp. 12 – 24. Eds. Lisa Matthewson, Christiana Christodoulou, John Lyon and Martin A. Oberg.

Christodoulou, C. (2008c). “Ni nsésq’wez’a tsemsás i sqáwtsa. ‘My little sister burnt the potatoes.’”. In Wenácw Iz’: Sqwéqwel’s sLaura. ‘True Stories by Laura Thevarge’. The University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 22 pp. 4 – 11. Eds. Lisa Matthewson, Christiana Christodoulou, John Lyon and Martin A. Oberg.

Christodoulou, C. (2007a). “Phonetic Geminates in Cypriot Greek: the Case of Voiceless Plosives”. Proceedings of XIII Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Interspeech, pp. 1014 – 1017, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.

Christodoulou, C. (2007b). “On the Phonetics of Cypriot-Greek Geminate Plosives.” Paper Presented at the 153rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121.5, 3169.

Courses Taught

  • ENG 161 Language and Mind
  • ENG 341 Psycholinguistics
  • ENG 548 Topics in Neurolinguistics and Psycholinguistics
  • LIN 303 Phonology
  • LIN 304 Morphology
  • LIN 305 Syntax
  • LIN 604 Morphology
  • LIN 699 Special Topics: Acquisition of Syntax (Graduate)


B.A. Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1999)

M.A. Linguistics, University of Essex (2001)

DB.A. English Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2011)

Ph.D. Linguistics, University of British Columbia (2011)


  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Grant, European Commission, 2017–2021
  • Marie Curie Career Integration Grant, European Commission, 2012–2015
  • Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 2005-2010
  • Canadian Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA), Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Community Service, 2009
  • Fieldwork and Research Award, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Program), 2008