Anne Quinney

Professor of Modern Languages

Anne H Quinney

Dr. Anne Quinney is a Professor of French in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi. She is a co-director of the French program.

Research Interests

Dr. Quinney's research interests include 20th Century French interwar fiction, the Feminist French New Wave, Romanian Francophonia, Translation Studies, French and Francophone cinema, and Book History.


Dr. Anne Quinney received her PhD in French Studies from Duke University in 2000, a Maîtrise de Lettres Modernes from Université Paris 8 in 1996, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Culture and Media from Brown University in 1992.

She is pensionnaire étrangère of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Rue d’Ulm, Paris. She teaches courses on contemporary French and Francophone literature, film, and culture. Her publications include Le goût de la révolte (Mercure de France, 2008), Paris—Bucharest, Bucharest—Paris: Francophone writers from Romania (Rodopi, 2013) and articles on French and Francophone writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is also a translator and published the English translation of French psychoanalyst J.B. Pontalis’ autobiographical work, Windows (University Of Nebraska Press, 2001).


Current book project: Five French film directors, Mia Hansen-Love, Justine Triet, Céline Sciamma, Alice Diop, and Mati Diop, who share a primary concern: the cinematic portrayal of a range of women's experiences from a woman's perspective.


Paris - Bucharest, Bucharest - Paris: Francophone Writers from Romania, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012.

Le goût de la révolte, textes choisis et présentés par Doina Pasca Harsanyi et Anne Quinney, Paris: Mercure de France, 2008.

Windows, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2003 (translation with introduction, J.B. Pontalis, Fenêtres, Paris: Gallimard, 2000).


"Existential Feminism and Fashion in America. 2022 "Paris in the Americas. Vernon Press. 

"Marketing Existentialism 1945-1951." Yale French Studies 135/136 (2020): 31-45.

"Rhinoceritis." Program Notes for The Edinburgh International Theatre Festival, 2017.

"Albert Camus’ Algerian Honeymoon." South Central Review 31:3 (2014): 72-81.

"Alexandre Dumas in Naples." Co-authored with Michael Hoffheimer. Dalhousie French Studies 94 (Spring 2011): 155-164.

"Fatal Duality: Alexandre Dumas on Garibaldi, Cavour, and the Myth of the Risorgimento." Co-authored with Michael Hoffheimer. CLIO 39:2 (2010): 161-179.

"The Unforgiven: Alexandre Dumas's Review of Cavour in L'INDIPENDENTE (1863)." Co-authored with Michael Hoffheimer. French Studies Bulletin 30:110 (2009): 12-17.

"'Il faudrait qu’elle soit belle et dure comme de l'acier': Sartre and The Problem of Writing." Dalhousie French Studies 83 (2008): 69-79.

"A Writer Under the Influence: Duras and the 'expérience intérieure'." Australian Journal of French Studies XLV:1 (2008): 22-42.

"Cultural Colonies: France and the Romanian Imagination." Contemporary French & Francophone Studies: Sites 11:3 (2007): 445-452.

"Excess and Identity: The Franco-Romanian Ionesco Combats Rhinoceritis." South Central Review 24:3 (2007): 36-52.

Translation: "Woman with Blond Armpit fixing her Hair by The Glimmer of The Stars"(André Breton) Vox 1:1 (April 2005)

"Bilingue l'Obscur: Blanchot in the Interstices of Abdelkebir Khatibi's Love in Two Languages." International Journal of Francophone Studies 7:3 (2004): 131-149.

"The Cioran Exception." Nottingham French Studies 43:3 (2004): 1-10.

"Psychoanalysis is on the couch: France celebrates Freud in 2000." French Cultural Studies 15:2 (2004): 114-126.

"Translation as Transference." The Translator 10:1 (2004): 109-129.

Courses Taught

  • FR 303/304 Conversation and Composition
  • FR 361 French and Francophone Cinema
  • FR 321 French Culture and Civilization
  • FR 322 Contemporary French Culture
  • FR 561 Advanced French and Francophone Cinema
  • FR 571 Advanced French Grammar and Composition
  • FR 578 Survey of French Literature II
  • FR 593 Studies in French Culture
  • FR 586 20th Century French Literature
  • FR 587 Francophone Literature
  • FR 573 Translation Theory and Practice


B.A. Literature, Brown University (1992)

M.A. French, University of Paris (1994)

M.A. French, Duke University (1996)

Ph.D. Romance Languages, Duke University (2000)


  • Isom Fellow, UM Sarah Isom Center for Women and Gender Studies, 2024-26
  • Harry Ransom Center Fellow, University of Texas, 2015
  • Summer Institute, Paris, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2003
  • Grant, Mississippi Humanities Council, 2002
  • Tournées Grant, FACSEA, Society for French American Cultural Service, 2001-02; 2002-03; 2003-04; 2016-17
  • Younger Scholars Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1987