UM Students Win Medals in Russian Poetry Recital Competition
Sofia Diaz and Jackson McArthur win gold and silver medals in national contest

OXFORD, Miss. – Two University of Mississippi students recently received medals from a prestigious national Russian poetry recital competition.
Sofia Diaz and Jackson McArthur, both of Ocean Springs, won gold and silver honors, respectively, at the annual Central Association of Russian Teachers of America poetry recital contest.
For McArthur, who recently received his bachelor's degree in international studies, this is his third time entering and being awarded. He previously won a bronze medal in 2021 and silver medal in 2022. A junior psychology major with minors in Russian and criminal justice, Diaz won bronze medals at in 2023.
"Each year I have competed in this competition I have won a medal," said McArthur, who recited "I Like It When I Like Somebody," a poem written by Yevgeny Yevtushenko in 1962. "While it would have been great to win a gold medal, I am very satisfied to have won the silver."
Diaz recited "I Like That You Are Not in Love With Me," written by Marina Tsvetaeva in 1915.
"This makes the second medal I have won," said Diaz, who won a bronze medal last year. "I've truly enjoyed representing the University of Mississippi each time and am looking forward to doing in again in 2025."
Both students were inducted into the Dobro Slovo National Slavic Honor Society.
Contest participants are selected by the Russian program teaching staff, taking into account the students' achievements in learning Russian and their pronunciation.
The university has entered students in the CARTA competition since its creation in 2021, said Valentina B. Iepuri, associate professor of Russian and director of the UM Russian language program.
"These students' wins certainly advance the reputation of our Russian language program," Iepuri said. "They make our program visible nationwide and allow to showcase our students' talents and abilities. This contest also increases our students' interest in Russian literature, stimulates their motivation to improve language skills and helps to encourage the pursuit of excellence."
Diaz plans to enroll in an advanced Russian course next semester. McArthur has been accepted into the UM School of Law and will continue attending Russian Club and Russian table meetings.
Top: Ole Miss students Jackson McArthur (left) and Sofia Diaz show off award certificates from the annual Central Association of Russian Teachers of America poetry recital contest. Diaz won a gold medal and McArthur brought home a silver in this year's competition. Photo by Tamara Karakozova/UM Department of Modern Languages
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