JTC 24: For the Love of Family

Pharmacy graduate Victoria Green makes good on a promise

A woman wearing a red Ole Miss shirt holds a railing on a balcony.

This story is part of the 2024 Journey to Commencement series, which celebrates the pinnacle of the academic year by highlighting University of Mississippi students and their outstanding academic and personal journeys from college student to college graduate.

OXFORD, Miss. – Family is everything to Victoria Green, a Canton native who graduates in May from the University of Mississippi with her Doctor of Pharmacy.

As a young adult, she took pride in assisting with the care of her maternal grandmother, riding the bus to her grandmother's house every day to make sure she took her daily medications.

"That hands-on experience introduced me to the world of medications, how they work and the positive impact they have on health and well-being," she said. "I realized I wanted my future career to revolve around medications, improving health outcomes and healing people."

Part of a tight-knit family, Victoria Green visits her late paternal grandmother in the hospital. Both her grandmothers were the inspiration behind her dream of becoming a pharmacist. Submitted photo

She made a promise to herself that she would pursue a career in pharmacy for her maternal grandmother. She shared her ambitions with her paternal grandmother, who beamed with pride at the idea of Green becoming the first doctor in the family.

"I began this path for one grandmother and will continue it in honor of another," Green said. "Throughout my profession, I will always carry the love and inspiration of them both as they watch over me from above."

Pursuing her chosen field at the UM School of Pharmacy felt natural, offering her the chance to study in a nationally-ranked program close to home. Laying eyes on the Ole Miss campus and visiting the pharmacy school sealed the deal.

In her time as a student, Green has cultivated a reputation as a leader with a servant's heart, a strong work ethic and a sunny personality that is infectious to those around her.

"When I had Victoria on rotation with me, she greeted me with a smile every day and asked how I was doing," said Jamie Wagner, clinical associate professor at the Medical Center campus. "She always remembered what I had going on in my life and asked for updates about people, stories and just me in general.

"Her care and concern for others extends beyond her required duties as a pharmacist and are just innate to her. She cares with her whole heart, and you really feel that she cares about you. She is definitely one of a kind."

Green credits her positive, can-do attitude to her parents, praising them for keeping her motivated and uplifted.

"Remembering my purpose – to help patients and make a difference in their lives – helps me stay focused and optimistic, even during challenging times," she said. "Having a strong support system, whether it's friends, family, peers or mentors, is invaluable."

As the first in her family to pursue higher education, Green said her unique journey has been full of both challenges and opportunities. Navigating the college applications and financial aid processes, for example, felt overwhelming, but she knows the importance of her journey extends beyond herself.

Remembering my purpose – to help patients and make a difference in their lives – helps me stay focused and optimistic, even during challenging times."

"As a first-generation student, I'm eager to serve as a guide and inspiration to younger generations of my family as they embark on their educational journeys," she said. "My family is incredibly proud of me and excited to have their very own doctor in the family."

Green's service involvement has included extensive work with the Jackson Free Clinic, Magnolia State Pharmaceutical Society Community Health Fair, Mississippi Science Fest and the Caring Hands Clinic.

"My experiences have deepened my commitment to advocating for underserved patient populations and serving others with hospitality and optimism," she said. "The joy and fulfillment I feel from helping those in need is indescribable."

Victoria Green (back, middle) is among members of the School of Pharmacy's P4 class volunteering at the Jackson Free Clinic on a Saturday morning. The clinic recently celebrated filling its 3,000th prescription. Submitted photo

Her leadership roles have included serving as a pharmacy ambassador, pharmacy class president, class vice president, community service co-chair on the Jackson campus, pharmacy services co-director for the Jackson Free Clinic and membership chair for the UM student chapter of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Service and leadership have always been central to Green's life.

"Since high school, I've taken on leadership roles that have improved my skills in communication, patient interaction and cooperation," she said. "To me, leadership is about fostering connections and building relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.

"Leadership offers a platform to drive innovation within an organization and promote personal growth. Embracing these values has not only led to fulfilling experiences and meaningful relationships, but has also allowed me to leave a lasting legacy."

Green's career interests lie in ambulatory care and academia. She is passionate about collaborating with other health care providers to provide comprehensive care to underserved patients with chronic conditions.

Equally important to her is educating future generations of pharmacy students and serving as a mentor.

Victoria Green celebrates receiving her patch at the School of Pharmacy's 2023 Patch Ceremony in Jackson. The distinction symbolizes the completion of didactic coursework and the beginning of serving patients and communities through clinical rotation experiences. Submitted photo

"I look forward to contributing to the advancement of pharmacy education and moving the profession of pharmacy forward," she said.

Green sang the praises of her own mentors and influences, such as her adviser, Katie McClendon, saying McClendon has demonstrated daily her genuine care for Green's well-being and future. She also shouted out professors Amanda Capino, Rebecca Heath, Ha Phan and Wagner.

"These extraordinary women not only guided me through the residency application and matching process, but also helped me recognize my potential and value," Green said. "They have all played an essential role in sharpening my clinical skills, patient care abilities and professional development.

"Each of them took the time to understand me as an individual, making their support even more impactful."

With so much knowledge and experience under her belt, Green feels qualified to offer some sage advice to students just starting pharmacy school. Her biggest piece of wisdom is to stay engaged and build relationships, and she encourages students to network and embrace the multitude of volunteer, leadership, research and social opportunities that pharmacy offers.

"Each experience contributes to your growth as an individual and health care professional," she said. "It's perfectly OK not to have a clear direction in which area of pharmacy interests you the most initially.

"Take advantage of each learning opportunity and trust that you'll discover the path that's right for you along the way. You've got this!"

As for Green's next step, she will complete a community-based residency at ARcare in central Arkansas, where she will have opportunities to work directly with patients in the clinic, assist in the pharmacy and engage with pharmacy students in the classroom.

"We are so proud of Victoria and excited to see the impact she has on patient care," said Donna Strum, dean of the pharmacy school. "She's worked hard and left quite a legacy in the School of Pharmacy."

See more photos from Victoria Green's Journey to Commencement


Natalie Ehrhardt, School of Pharmacy



April 26, 2024


Victoria Green

A group of people surround a young woman holding an award plaque.

Surrounded by her support system of family and friends, Victoria Green (center) celebrates being inducted into the University of Mississippi Hall of Fame's 2020-21 class. Photo by Logan Kirkland/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services

A young woman helps a man fill out paperwork at a health fair.

Victoria Green volunteers at a Magnolia State Pharmaceutical Society health fair in Jackson. Submitted photo

A group of young people wearing white lab coats stand outside on concrete steps.

Victoria Green (top, right) gathers with UM School of Pharmacy classmates on the first day of their second year in the professional pharmacy program. Submitted photo

A large group of people pose fopr aphoto at a formal gala.

Victoria Green (second row, left), a student leader at the Jackson Free Clinic, attends the 2024 Annual JFC Gala with UM School of Pharmacy classmates and members of the JFC Pharmacy Leadership Team. Submitted photo