About CETL

Learn more about CETL's mission, purpose, and team.

Emily Pitts Donahoe, Josh Eyler, Derek Bruff, and Liz Norell at a recent CETL event

Promoting exemplary teaching and meaningful learning

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) was established in 2006 to promote exemplary teaching and meaningful learning at the University of Mississippi (UM) by...

  • supporting members of the university teaching community as they develop and adopt evidence-based teaching practices, 
  • fostering university-wide discussions on teaching and learning issues, and 
  • serving as advocates for the teaching mission of the university. 

CETL welcomes anyone at the University of Mississippi engaged in instruction or support of instruction to participate in our programs and services. We define this broadly to include tenure-track faculty, instructional faculty, adjunct faculty, visiting faculty, graduate students, and those fostering the teaching mission, including teaching assistants, tutors, student support staff, librarians, and others.

Meet our team

CETL staff work with instructors and students to promote exemplary teaching and meaningful learning at UM.
Derek Bruff

Derek Bruff

  • Visiting Associate Director
Robert Cummings

Robert Cummings

  • Executive Director of Academic Innovation, Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Minor in Digital Media Studies
Emily Donahoe

Emily Donahoe

  • Associate Director of Instructional Support in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Lecturer of Writing and Rhetoric
Joshua Eyler

Joshua Eyler

  • Director of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Clinical Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Hannah Margaret Glass

Hannah Margaret Glass

  • Program Manager
Hanna Lee

Hanna Lee

  • Operations Coordinator II
Liz Norell

Liz Norell

  • Associate Director of Instructional Support

More about us

Read about the work our team does to support teaching and learning at UM (and beyond) on our blog.

Visit the blog