Race and Politics Specialization 

Race has been a defining issue in American politics for centuries. The department has several faculty members who focus at least part of their research agenda to the many important questions in this area of political science.

Faculty Specialization

Faculty Member

Ph.D. Degree

Research Area

Kesicia DickinsonMichigan State UniversityRace and Ethnicity Politics, Gender Politics, Public Policy, Urban Politics, Survey Experiments, Campaigns, State and Local Elections, Political Parties, Interest Groups, Public Opinion and Mass Behavior, Criminal Justice Policy
Marvin KingUniversity of North TexasCampaigns & Elections; Congressional Behavior; Minority and Ethnic Politics; Party Politics; Voting Behavior; Political Participation
Jonathan WinburnIndiana UniversityRepresentation; Public Policy; Redistricting; State Politics; Elections

Research & Grant Examples

image of Kesicia Dickinson seated at her desk

Perceptions of Black Candidates

Dr. Kesicia Dickinson focuses her current research on the perception of African American female candidates by potential voters. She fuses research into her classes because "students are very interested in what's happening in the world around them and they are often looking for the language to identify current events and understand them." One project looks at first generation students and students of color and how they take the information they gain around voting and voting engagement on college campuses back to their homes and families. They act as knowledge brokers by sharing this information with their families.

Marvin King speaking to a crowd of people

Resilient Economies

Dr. Marvin King led a series of state-wide meetings to provide professional development and networking for non-governmental organizations and other voluntary groups and institutions with a social mission. Supported by the Skoll Foundation and Higher Purpose Co. to champion the work of social innovators and build community wealth within Mississippi for people of color by supporting ownership of financial, cultural, and political power.

image of Jonathan winburn holding a book for the camera while seated in his office. A political map is on the computer screen behind him

Black Racial Identity

In addition to many scholarly articles, Dr. Jonathan Winburn has authored or co-authored books on redistricting and gerrymandering, the Louisiana legislative Black Caucus, and black racial identity. In his co-authored Dimensions of Blackness, the authors suggest there is no single way to express black racial identity. They move away from blackness as binary and instead reveal what happens when black racial identity is conceptualized with "difference of opinion." Using a multidimensional perspective the book explores whether black racial identity differences among blacks influence political attitudes and behavior.