NROTC Resources & Scholarships
NROTC scholarship criteria and information about available resources can be found here.

Have Your Degree Paid For
NROTC offers scholarships ranging from a 4-year full-ride to a semesterly endowment. Depending on the scholarship, they can be applied for before attending the University or even right in the middle of the semester.
Also enjoy all the resources available to you as a NROTC Midshipman such as our brand new fitness & wellness center and on-campus support facilities.
To view more information about any of these National Scholarships or to access any additional forms, visit the Official Naval ROTC Website.
- Full tuition including out of state fees.
- Stipend of $750 per academic year for text books ($375 per semester).
- Provide all uniforms and Naval Science course materials.
- Three summer cruises.
- Subsistence allowance each academic month.
- All mandatory fees imposed by the School on all full-time undergraduate students, except for the following:
- Any fee due to withdrawing, failing or repeating a course
- Any fee of tuition above or in addition to those normally charged that are for an elective course not required in a degree or to fulfill any NROTC program requirements
- Refundable fees, such as deposits
- Charges incurred for breaking or damaging property
- Fees assessed by the School for failure to comply with any School requirement
- Fees for advance placement examinations
- Medical or dental insurance
- Fees in connection with any aviation or flight training course, including but not limited to: flight hours; licensing; fuel; aircraft rental; ground instruction; and aircraft service, repair or maintenance. The Navy will not pay for any such fees or costs whether they are charged separately or are incorporated into the tuition charged for the course.
- Room and board
- The length of scholarship benefits is predicated upon the student’s degree plan. Students will receive scholarship benefits only for the time required to receive their Baccalaureate Degree or 4 years, whichever comes first. If additional benefits are necessary, students may request and, in some cases, be granted fifth-year benefits.
Current Monthly Stipend
The NROTC Preparatory Scholarship allows interested high school students, who show great potential via grades, character, and extra-curricular activities but might lack standardized test scores or advanced high school courses, to apply for one-year university, or privately funded scholarships. University NROTC Prep programs are designed to provide students the educational foundation necessary for success in the NROTC program and Navy.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be accepted for admissions as a full-time student in the School of Engineering at
the University. - Be a U.S. Citizen or be in the process of obtaining U.S. citizenship.
- Be at least 17 years of age, but not greater than 22 years old prior to the beginning
of the college academic year of intended enrollment. - Have no moral obligations, personal convictions or purposes of evasion that
preclude military service in any capacity, in support and defense of the U.S.
Constitution. - Have an application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file in University's Office of
Financial Aid. - Have successfully completed high school algebra with a grade of "C" or higher.
Scholarship Benefits
- Full tuition, fees, room and board for the preparatory year
- Upon prep year completion, the Navy NROTC scholarship supports tuition, books and fees for up to 40 months of benefits.
- Tuition and fees covered for the fall and spring semesters.
- Academic/study-skill mentoring and educational counseling.
- Military uniforms.
- An assigned Money Coach to assist with financial planning.
Starting in the Fall of 2020, all National Scholarship recipients will receive a room and board scholarship that covers one year of board in the dorms and a “100+1” meal plan. This is an exciting opportunity only offered by a handful of NROTC units across the country. Instate or Out-of-State, come see what NROTC has to offer in Oxford, MS for your first year and have tuition, room, and board covered. Contact us with any questions. For upperclassmen housing assistance, review the section about the Thorpe Scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements
Same basic requirements as the Four-Year scholarship with the following additional requirements:
- Must have at least at least 30 semester hours (45 quarter hours) but no more than 90 semester hours (135 quarter hours).
- Must have a minimum college GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
- Must be admitted to or in process of gaining admittance to school affiliated with the NROTC Unit from which they are being nominated.
- Students may apply for only one of two programs options; Navy or Nurse (not open to Marine Option applicants).
Scholarship Benefits
- Full tuition including out of state fees
- Stipend of $750 per academic year for text books ($375 per semester)
- Provide uniforms and Naval Science course materials
- Summer Cruise
- All colleges/university educational fees, except for the following:
- Any fee due to withdrawing, failing or repeating a course
- Any fee of tuition above or in addition to those normally charged that are for an elective course not required in a degree or to fulfill any NROTC program requirements
- Refundable fees, such as deposits
- Charges incurred for breaking or damaging property
- Fees assessed by the School for failure to comply with any School requirement
- Fees for advance placement examinations
- Medical or dental insurance
- Any aviation associated fees to include, but not limited to, aviation instruction, licensing, or fuel fees, aircraft rental fees, ground instruction, maintenance or service fees. Students may choose to pursue a degree requiring these types of flight instruction or fees; however they will be fully responsible for all such fees associated with that training.
- Room and Board
- 3-Year will receive 2 cruises
- 2-Year will receive 1 cruise
Current Monthly Stipend
Sophomore $300/month
Junior $350/month
Senior $400/month
- Length of the scholarship is predicated upon the student’s degree plan. Students will receive scholarship benefits only for the time required to complete their baccalaureate degree or initial length of scholarship, whichever comes first.
Application Process
- You must apply via the NROTC unit at The University of Mississippi.
- To apply you must complete the application below, obtain the required documents and submit your application to the Professor of Naval Science.
- Contents of application:
Application Letter (see sample)
Signed and dated Personal Information Sheet
Current copy of college transcripts
Letter of admission to The University of Mississippi
Degree Plan
Statement of Understanding
Drug Statement
Debarment Statement
Letters of reference (if you wish)
2 or 3 Year Scholarship—Applicant Personal Data Record
- Your application must be received by the NROTC Unit no later than 31 May.
- The Professor of Naval Science will review and may forward you application to the scholarship selection board.
- The Selection board meets at the end of June.
- You will receive a letter notifying you of the results of the selection board.
- Applicant can apply for either a two or three-year side-load scholarship beginning the Spring semester of their freshman year.
- Applicant will be observed by both the MOI and AMOI of the NROTC unit in which the student is enrolled.
- Applicant will appear before a review board for an official interview.
- Applicant is competing against NROTC midshipmen from units throughout the nation.
Any further questions should be directed toward the Marine Officer Instructor.
The Thorp Scholarship provides extra financial assistance for on-campus housing. All NROTC scholarship students at The University of Mississippi will automatically be eligible for the scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open to Scholarship students in the Navy ROTC program that are not currently on a room and board scholarship. Midshipmen that elect “Room and Board” on their scholarship election form are NOT eligible for this scholarship.
- The amount of financial assistance is based on the number of NROTC scholarship students and their financial need
Scholarship Benefits:
- The financial assistance is based on the number of NROTC scholarship students and their financial need. A sum of $40,000 ($20,000 per semester) is divided among the eligible students.
Established in 2015, the purpose of the endowment being to honor in perpetuity Commander David Allan Jones and provide scholarship assistance to deserving students in the Naval ROTC Program at the University of Mississippi.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open to full-time entering freshmen.
- First preference given to engineering majors participating in the Naval ROTC program.
- Second preference to students participating in the Naval ROTC program.
- Recipients will have financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid and chosen by the chair and faculty of the Department of Naval Science.
Scholarship Benefits:
- It is established as an academic scholarship under accepted guidelines of the Department of Financial Aid at The University of Mississippi.
Established in 2013 by Edward L. Rowe, the purpose of the endowment being to provide income for scholarship assistance to deserving students in the Naval ROTC program at The University of Mississippi.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open to first or second-year students in the Naval ROTC program.
- Recipients chosen by a committee appointed by the chair of the Department of Naval Science.
- Recipients may apply multiple times.
Scholarship Benefits:
- It is established as an academic scholarship under accepted guidelines of the Department of Financial Aid at The University of Mississippi.
Established in 2013 by League of Meridian, the purpose of this endowment is to provide income for scholarship assistance to deserving students enrolled in the Navy ROTC Program at the University of Mississippi.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Open to full-time students entering their second semester of participation in the Navy ROTC program.
- First preference given to students who are dependents of the USS Mississippi crew.
- Second preference to students who are Mississippi residents.
- The scholarship is awarded to a different student every academic year. The scholarship is $2,000 per academic year for one year only and awarded in the spring.
- Recipients chosen by the Navy ROTC Department in consultation with the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts
Scholarship Benefits:
- It is established as an academic scholarship under accepted guidelines of the Department of Financial Aid at The University of Mississippi.
Staying Well in NROTC

Fitness & Wellness Center
Barnard Hall, home of Ole Miss ROTC, has a fitness and wellness center with brand new, state-of-the-art equipment as well as an available nutritionist to make sure you stay in your best shape.
This fitness center is exclusive to ROTC Cadets and Midshipmen so you can focus on yourself instead of the distractions of a normal gym.

Student Resources
We worked with offices across campus to show you how to get involved on campus and connect with student support resources of all kinds. Get the most out of your college experience.
United States Navy Scholarship Selection Criteria
The Navy is preparing our officer corps of the future to meet the dynamic challenges in the next generation of technology and leadership. In structuring our academic programs to meet these challenges, undergraduate academic majors for NROTC Navy option midshipmen are divided into three categories or tiers:
Tier 1
Specific engineering programs of Navy interest.
Tier 2
Other engineering, math and science programs.
Tier 3
Foreign language and remaining academic programs.
In order to keep pace in this high tech and diverse environment, approximately 85% of Navy Option NROTC scholarships offers will be awarded to students interested in completing a Tier 1 or Tier 2 academic major.
Tier 3 Academic Programs
Students interested in pursuing Tier 3 academic majors should examine the opportunities available in the Navy’s Language Skills, Regional Expertise, and Cultural Awareness (LREC) Program.
Navy Option
The Navy will activate scholarships upon the satisfactory development of a degree plan with the NROTC unit and university and upon enrollment in the assigned academic major. NROTC midshipmen may lose their scholarship if they request a change from Tier 1 or Tier 2 major to a Tier 3 major. Similarly, Tier 3 LREC majors may lose their scholarship if they depart their course of study prior to graduation.
Academic majors listed in each Tier may vary year to year dependent on the Navy’s requirements, however once accepted into an academic major and Tier, a student’s Tier status will not change.
A student may request a modification from their original academic major. Changing from a Tier 1, Tier 2, or LREC major requires approval from a formal panel and will be based on the needs of the Navy.
SAT: 540 Math; 550 Verbal Evidence Based Reading and Writing; Combined 1200 (Math + Verbal Evidence Based Reading and Writing)
ACT: 21 Math; 22 English; Combined 47 (Math + English)
Marine Corps Option
General eligibility requirements for the program are as follows:
- Be physically qualified by Marine Corps standards. Applicants will be required to complete a physical fitness test (PFT) consisting of a three-mile run for time, sit-ups, and dead-hang pull-ups for males/flexed armed-hang for females.
- Have no criminal record of military or civilian offenses.
- Achieve a qualifying score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT), or the American College Test (ACT). The SAT math and critical reading scores must be from the same and most recent test. Applicants cannot combine their best math and critical reading scores from the SAT to achieve the qualifying score for application. (Marine Corps Option only).
SAT: 1000 Combined (Math + Evidence Based Reading and Writing)
ACT: Minimum composite score of 22
Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT): 74
Frequently Asked Questions
Scholarship awardees have typically participated in varsity sports, held significant leadership positions in extra-curricular activities, and are strong academic performers in science/math/engineering classes in high school. Scholarships are also more often awarded to tier 1 or 2 majors, vice tier 3
For SY20 scholarships, the following are the minimum scores required:
- SAT Math: 540, Verbal: 550, Combined: 1150
- ACT Math: 21, English: 22, Combined: 47
Once you are awarded your scholarship, you must bring the following documents to the unit HRA to activate your scholarship.
- Copy of email notification of scholarship award
- Copy of birth certificate or naturalization papers
- Copy of DoDMERB qualification letter or BUMED waiver letter
Furthermore, you must pass a fitness test (USN PFA or USMC PFT) at the unit.
In order for tuition to actually be paid, you must be medically qualified/waived, a US citizen (bring a copy of your birth certificate or naturalization papers to your first day at the unit), and have passed the military fitness test at New Student Orientation. Not meeting these three requirements will cause the tuition and fees to return to your student billing account and you will be responsible for payment.
If you (or your parents) pay for tuition and you are able to activate your scholarship before the 45th day of the semester, NROTC will pay your tuition and fees that semester.
If you are not medically qualified/waived by 45 calendar days into the semester, you are responsible for paying all tuition and fees for that semester. The unit can request retroactive payments on your behalf, which, if approved, would be processed the following summer.