
Opera Theatre trains future singing actors through comprehensive stagecraft and interpretation, producing acclaimed performances.

A performer during The Light in the Piazza wraps his arms around the head of another performer sitting in a chair as he raises his hand up with a shocked look on his face

The Light in the Piazza performed by UM Opera Theatre.

2021 Opera Season

The Art of Opera Theatre

actors on a darkly lit stage
empty theater stage before the production begins


The University of Mississippi Opera Theatre provides comprehensive training for the next generation of singing actors. Performers receive developmental training in movement, interpretation, stagecraft, audition preparation, and learn how to work with conductors, coaches, directors, and colleagues to prepare for careers on the stage.

opera singer on stage
two actors on stage together in an embrace of joy


Opera Theatre produces quality, award-winning productions of operas, operettas, and musicals in many languages and styles, spanning the Baroque to contemporary, and includes well-loved classics and new works alike, e.g., The Light in the PiazzaAlbert HerringL’Enfant et les SortilègesLa finta giardinieraL’elisir d’amore, and several works by Gilbert & Sullivan.

Performers on stage take a bow
performer applying make up in the dressing room


Opera Theatre is strongly committed to collaborations with contemporary opera composers, having premiered the chamber orchestration of Linda Lister’s State of Grace (2018) to great acclaim, and enjoys regular partnerships within the Oxford community and beyond.

The 2024-2024 Opera Season


Current UM Music students

Auditions for the 2024–2025 season, Perfect Matches: A Season of Love and Laughter, have concluded. Contact Dr. Bonita Bunt at bebunt@olemiss.edu for more information.


Prospective students

All voice students must audition to enter the University of Mississippi Department of Music – whether undergraduate or graduate, a music major or minor.

Your voice audition will satisfy audition requirements for UM Opera Theatre, UM Choirs, and the UM Music Department Vocal Area – all with one submission.



Welcome to UM Opera Theatre

I am delighted to have you join UM Opera Theatre as a member of our company or audience. Together we are  ready to explore the depth and beauty of this magnificent art form as we bring stories to life through powerful performances, rigorous training, and a shared passion for the stage!

Bonita Bunt

Assistant Professor of Music/Director of Opera

Meet the Opera Theatre Faculty

Bonita Bunt

Bonita Bunt

  • Assistant Professor of Music/Director of Opera
Amanda Johnston

Amanda Johnston

  • Professor of Music

Graduate Assistantships

Opera graduate assistants are graduate students in vocal performance who are preparing for a professional career in opera and singing. In their roles as GAs, they work with faculty to help manage the company. Combined with their coursework and performance schedule, their experience as GAs gives them additional skills and insight into the logistics of performance.

More information on graduate assistantships can be found on our Graduate Programs page.

Graduate Programs

Past Performances

UM Opera Theatre presents 'Mozart Meets The Phantom of the Opera' in Nutt Auditorium.

UM Opera Theatre performers rehearse for 'Opera & Musical Scenes: Inspired by Art & Dance'.

A student in the UM Opera production, The Light in the Piazza, prepares for her performance in the dressing room.

UM Opera Theatre performs The Light in the Piazza.

UM Opera Theatre performers rehearse for 'Opera & Musical Scenes: Inspired by Art & Dance'.

UM Opera Theatre performs The Light in the Piazza.

UM Opera Theatre presents 'Mozart Meets The Phantom of the Opera' in Nutt Auditorium.

UM Opera Theatre performers rehearse for 'Opera & Musical Scenes: Inspired by Art & Dance'.

UM Opera Theatre presents 'Mozart Meets The Phantom of the Opera' in Nutt Auditorium.

UM Opera Theatre presents The Light in the Piazza.

UM Opera Theatre presents 'Mozart Meets The Phantom of the Opera' in Nutt Auditorium.

Previous Seasons

  • Secrets & Rumors | Opera Scenes
  • La Serva Padrona & Aria Showcase
  • Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw with the LOU Symphony Orchestra


  • Twists of Fate: Scenes of Magic and Mayhem
  • Handel’s Alcina with the LOU Symphony Orchestra


Performed with full orchestra, in original language

2024 The Turn of the Screw 

2023 Alcina 

2022 State of Grace  

2021 The Light in the Piazza 

2020 Die Fledermaus (**cancelled COVID-19)  

2019 HMS Pinafore  

2018 La finta giardiniera  

2017 Albert Herring  

2016 L’enfant et les sortilèges (2nd place NOA Production Competition) 

        Der Schauspieldirektor  

2015 Hamlet: Prince of Denmark  

2014 L’elisir d’amore   

2013 The Merry Wives of Windsor  

2012 Die Dreigroschenoper  

2011 The Gondoliers  

2010 Suor Angelica

        Gianni Schicchi  

2009 Carmen

Opera Scenes, peformed with piano 

2023 “Secrets and Rumors” 

2022 “Twists of Fate: Scenes of Magic and Mayhem” 

2021 “From the Met to Broadway and Back Again” 

2020 “It Takes Two”  

2019 “The Room Where it Happens”  

2018 “Divas, Outcasts, and Fools”  

2017 “Mozart Meets the Phantom of the Opera”  

2016 “Inspired by Art and Dance”  

AJ Sabbatical Leave  

2014 “Operatic and Musical Theatre Journeys”  

2013 “From the Met to Broadway and Back Again” 

2012 “Classic Literature Sings!”  

2011 “Opera Favorites”  

2010 “Hysterical Opera: Murder, Madness, and Mayhem” 

2009 “Brush up your Shakespeare”  

2008 “From the Met to Broadway and Back Again”