A journal of Balkan and Southeastern European Studies

Balkanistica is based in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi and the editor is Dr. Donald Dyer, Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts and Distinguished Professor of Modern Languages.
The journal is listed in and abstracted by the MLA Bibliography, the ABC CLIO Library, Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, and Linguistic Bibliography. Balkanistica is also listed in Elsevier’s Scopus, the most recent editions of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia, volumes produced by Europa Publications covering the Balkans, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, as well as Cabells Journalytics, an independent database of scholarly journals. Balkanistica participates in a journal exchange and is available at universities and institutions listed at the bottom of this page.
Balkanistica publishes papers written in English about the countries of the Balkans or Southeastern Europe–Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey or the successor states to the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia)–in disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, culture, economics, education, folklore, history, language and linguistics, literature, political science and sociology.
Balkanistica Index Summary of Contents Order Past Issues
Message from the Editor
Welcome to the homepage of Balkanistica, the international peer-reviewed journal of Balkan studies! The academic journal is housed in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Mississippi, where it publishes scholarly works from any discipline that address topics on countries and languages of the Balkans. The journal provides a valuable resource for scholars and students of this part of world. Balkanistica has been active since 1972 and recently celebrated a half century of its existence.
Donald L Dyer
Associate Dean for Faculty & Academic Affairs and Distinguished Professor of Modern Languages
Limited Time Discount
Manuscript Preparation
Balkanistica invites papers written in English that study the countries of the Balkans or Southeastern Europe–Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey or the successor states to the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia)–in disciplines including (but not limited to) anthropology, archaeology, culture, economics, education, folklore, history, language and linguistics, literature, political science and sociology, as well as comparative or contrastive studies of two or more countries and/or disciplines.
All submissions undergo a double-blind refereeing process; authors should conceal their identity in the manuscript and follow one of the generally accepted styles within their specific discipline. Upon acceptance for publication, the editor will work with the author to ensure appropriate formatting and style.
Manuscript Style
- Use Smart (curly) quotes.
- Title (rank) abbreviations should be written out in full (e.g., Professor instead of Prof.).
- Publication titles generally use Title Case (non-LSA style).
- Use long dashes and add space to both sides of the long dashes.
- Publication titles should be italicized.
- Page numbers for citations in the text and in bibliographies should be done like this: 291-97 (not 291-297).
- Headings should have title case and no periods and be in italics.
- Glosses in indented examples have single-open and -closed smart quotes. Concomitantly, single quotes within double-quotes have double quotes.
- Latin abbreviations should be done thusly: e.g., et al., viz., cf.,i.e., but etc.
- There is no space between the year and page number(s) of a citation.
- There is no space between two single-character initials of one’s name (V.I. Lenin).
- “Numerically-named” centuries should be used instead of “word-named” (19th, instead of nineteenth).
- One space should be placed before each ellipse.
- Successive entries for the same author in the References sections use a line.
- South Slavic Cyrillic transcription uses [h], not North Slavic [x].
- All “end” punctuation is non-italicized.
Manuscript Submission
Email manuscripts and reviews to Dr. Donald Dyer, Editor of Balkanistica
Book Review
Please contact the Editor of Balkanistica if you would be interested in reviewing one or more of the
books found on the attached document for a future volume of the journal.
Balkanistica Institutional Exchange and Subscribers
Institutions with which Balkanistica has had in the past or currently maintains an academic exchange of journals or by subscription.
Exchange | Subscription |
Akademija na naukite i umetnostite (Macedonia) | Arizona State University (U.S.A.) |
ASAM (Center for Strategic Studies) (Turkey) | Cambridge University (Great Britain) |
Balcanica (Serbia) | College University London (Great Britain) |
Balkanologie (France) | EBSCO (Austria) |
Bibliografie linguistique (The Netherlands) | EBSCO (Germany) |
Biblioteka Matica Srpske (Serbia) | Egyetemi Konyvtar, Budapest (Hungary) |
Dialog (The Netherlands) | Gennadius Library (Greece) |
Ethnologia Balkanica (Germany) | Institut fur Slawistik (Austria) |
Macedonian Academy of Sciences (Macedonia) | Ministry of Public Safety in Athens (Greece) |
Institute for Empirical Culture and European Ethnology (Germany) | The Ohio State University (U.S.A.) |
Institute for Linguistic Studies (Russia) | Schweitzer Media International (U.S.A.) |
Macedonian National Library (Macedonia) | Stanford University (U.S.A.) |
Minsk State Linguistics University (Belarus) | University of Chicago (U.S.A.) |
MIT Press (U.S.A.) | University of Christ Church (New Zealand) |
Moldova State University (Moldova) | University of Essex (Great Britain) |
Moldovan Academy of Sciences (Moldova) | University of Ghent (Belgium) |
Moscow State University (Russia) | University of Hamburg (Germany) |
Narodna i univerzitetska biblioteka (Macedonia) | University of Helsinki (Finland) |
National Library of Serbia (Serbia) | University of Kansas (U.S.A.) |
Prestige Institute of Management and Research (India) | University of London (Great Britain) |
Romanian Academy of Sciences (Romania) | University of Michigan (U.S.A.) |
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) | University of Mississippi (U.S.A.) |
Sefarad (Israel) | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (U.S.A.) |
Serbian Academy of Sciences (Serbia) | University of North Carolina at Greensboro (U.S.A.) |
South Slav Journal (Hungary) | University of Oregon (U.S.A.) |
United States Library of Congress (U.S.A.) | University of Pittsburgh (U.S.A.) |
University of Ankara (Turkey) | University of Rome (Italy) |
University of Constanta (Romania) | University of Toronto (Canada) |
Universitatea Dunarea de Jos (Romania) | |
University of Sofia (Bulgaria) | |
University of Sofia (Bulgaria) | |
University of Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina) | |
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) | |
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski (Poland) | |
Zweigbibliothek Slawistik (Germany) |