Undergraduate German Studies

Study the German language and culture to become a global professional.

image of a plaza with a fountain, statue of a woman holding the scales of justice, flowers, and historic German buildings in the background

Why Study German?

German is the native language of over 120 million people, which is the largest community in the European Union. German is an international language of business, education, science, and technology. Many of the Western world's most important works of philosophy, literature, music, art history, theology, psychology, chemistry, physics, engineering and medicine are written in German.

German Americans are the single largest heritage group in the United States, with significant cultural influences. They are also a major force in Hollywood, with actors who shape American popular culture such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, and Tina Fey.

Our German Program

The Department of Modern Languages offers a German major and minor as well as the master's degree with a German concentration in the Languages emphasis.

Our courses are the cornerstone of a liberal arts education and serve as the gateway to a global career. Studying German means a lot more than learning to understand and speak the German language. The program emphasizes composition, conversation, literature, German life and thought across centuries, history and music. Small class sizes allow the program to be intimate and flexible, giving students the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas with fellow classmates and instructors.



Faculty Expertise

Students of German can work closely with the faculty who have expertise that includes Yiddish theatre in Eastern Europe, National Socialist Germany and secret police files, 15th to 18th century German literature and culture, history of medicine, media studies, German national identity, second language pedagogy, and language acquisition for children with migration background.

image of professor seated at her desk ad typing on her computerThe scholarship of Dr. Corina L. Petrescu, Professor of German, developed from her interest in subversion under authoritarian regimes. Her current research focuses on the life story and creative output of Yankev Shternberg (1890-1973), an Ashkenazi poet, playwright, theatrical director, and cultural analyst of the twentieth century. By analyzing his theoretical and applied approach to avant-garde theater in interwar Bucharest, Romania, she presents Shternberg as a cultural mediator at a time of powerful social and political conflicts in Eastern Europe. Her work on Shternberg has been supported by the Fulbright Commission and now a fellowship at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies in Jerusalem.

  • a small group of students sitting in a circle outside in a park-like setting

    Academic Information

    Learn about the German major and minor requirements. Learn the general education requirements for the B.A. degree and download a 4-year degree plan for the B.A. in German.

    German Curriculum
  • image of a student standing in front of a wall with the graffiti showing the words Berlin


    There are designated scholarships for German majors and minors: Boyd-Eickhorst Scholarship; Dr. Hans-Jurgen Gaycken German Student Excellence Award; Dr. Benjamin Franklin Martin III Memorial Study Abroad Scholarship. And, there are scholarships offered by the College of Liberal Arts and UM Office of Financial Aid.

    Modern Languages Scholarships
  • crest of the German Honor Society with the German eagle

    Delta Phi Alpha - German Honor Society

    The Department of Modern Languages maintains an active chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the national German Honor Society. Membership is based upon academic performance. Students must be in their third year of learning German, earn a 3.5 GPA in German courses, and a 3.0 overall GPA. Each year a new class of German students are inducted as new members.

    Delta Phi Alpha
faculty member standing and helping a student seated at the table and looking at a paper together in a classroom

Germ 341. German in the US

This course features the cultural history of German immigrants to North America. Recently, students worked on a translation project with the Aliceville Town Museum in Aliceville, AL, which has an exhibition on a local WWII prisoner-of-war camp with a collection of German-language newspapers written by the prisoners. The class took a field trip to the museum and met with a historian of the camp.


image of a professor and a few students seated at a table looking at papers and laptops

Dr. Chris Hutchinson, Faculty for Germ 341

“The translation project benefited both our students and the museum: it helped our students improve their German-language skills as well as their translation skills. And it gave them a chance to use their language skills in a way that will be of lasting benefit to the community. It helped the museum by making a part of their exhibit more accessible to a wider audience. Since few of their visitors read German, our translations will allow more visitors to gain an insight into the cultural life of German prisoners-of-war in Alabama.”

Christopher James Hutchinson

Herzlich willkommen!

We’re delighted you’re considering learning German. There are many reasons German is an excellent choice. It is closely related to English so you’ll probably already recognize many German words. Moreover, Germany has the largest economy in Europe and the economic ties between the US and Germany run deep. German speakers have also made tremendous contributions in music, art and architecture, literature, philosophy, science and technology and many other fields. Learning German and getting to know German culture will enrich whatever other interests you may have. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about German, our curriculum, or our professional development opportunities.

Christopher James Hutchinson

Assistant Professor of German

Meet the Faculty

Contact Dr. Hutchinson about the basic language program - 100 and 200-level German courses. Contact Dr. Petrescu about the German major and minor as well as advanced German courses.

Corina L. Petrescu

Corina L. Petrescu

  • Professor of Modern Languages
Christopher Hutchinson

Christopher Hutchinson

  • Assistant Professor of German
Kai Wash

Kai Wash

  • Lecturer in Modern Languages

Meet a German major

Calloway Bills

Calloway Bills

What German class had the most impact on you?

See Calloway’s Answer

Beyond the Classroom

Be a part of the German speaking community and enjoy various activities and events with the German faculty and students.
image of a small group of students standing under a tent during a football tailgate event

German Club

The Ole Miss German Club hosts the weekly conversation groups, sponsors guest speakers, offers movie and TV nights, sponsors a Grove tent during football season, hosts high school German classes on campus, and more. Enjoy the screenings and discussions of German films and TV productions held bi-weekly on Thursdays at 5:30pm. For details about films and locations, see Ole Miss German Club's social media accounts.

a group of students gathered together in a casual dining area

Kaffeestunde German Conversation Group

Join our weekly informal conversation group to practice German, meet friends, caffeinate the body, and exercise the mind. Every Tuesday from 2:30pm–3:30pm in the Honors College kitchen. 

image of young woman standing in a sunny field with a large historic building in the background

Prepare for Your Future Career

An internship in Germany will improve language skills, deepen cultural knowledge, and develop professional skills valued by employers. We partner with the German-American Exchange to match students with paid summer internships in Germany. To participate, students must have taken two semesters of German by their sophomore year. The application deadline is in October. Please contact Dr. Christopher Hutchinson.

German-American Exchange
portrait of Ally Watrous

Getting Involved!

"I loved the German Club. I joined as a freshman, and it helped me find a sense of community with weekly Kaffeestude (Coffee hour) and biweekly German Movie Night. After that, I served as event coordinator. vice president, then president. I also loved the variety of classes taught in German. Outside of ‘typical’ languages classes, I was able to take German Cinema and Business German! The department helps find and encourage study abroad opportunities that fit your schedule whether it is for an academic year, semester, or only for a month."

Ally Watrous

BS in Chemistry, BA in German and Physics, minors in French and Math '24

Study Abroad

Embark on a journey to discover yourself and the world through study abroad. Email Dr. Christopher Hutchinson for an initial consultation. Here are some of our partner programs.

Choosing a Minor (or Double Major)

Students earning a B.A. in German must complete a minor field of study (or double major). Here are some of the choices made by our German major. Most minors on campus are approved for students in the College of Liberal Arts.

Outstanding Student Awards

We are proud of the outstanding German language students in the Department of Modern Languages. 

YearHonors Day German Award
2024Kumali Schoen
2023John Walker Bethea
2022John Walker Bethea
2021Susanna Leigh Cassisa
2020Maggie Lin Smith
2019Graham Kittrell Garner
2017Maggie Lin Smith
2016Emmalee Jasmine King
2015Savannah Winn Coleman
2014Stephen Colby Woods
2013Zack Newton
2012Jacqueline Grace Boyce
2011William Charles Gates
2010Jessica Ann Beck
2009Devon Leigh Emig
2008Robert Lynch
2007Jessica Beck

YearGerman Awards
2024100 Level: Aidan Moore
200 Level: Kaylyn Beard
300 Level: Megan Gaare
500 Level: Alexandria Watrous
2023100 Level: Diego Abele
200 Level: Calloway Bills
300 Level: Will Pilkington
500 Level: Edith-Marie Green
MA Level: Mikayla Jordan
2022100 Level: Elsa Allmendinger
200 Level: Abby Carroll
300 Level: Logan Parker
500 Level: Delaney Smith
MA Level: Mikayla Jordan
2021100 Level: Alexa Aschenbeck
200 Level: William Charles Wooten French
300 Level: Michael Robert Martinkovic
500 Level: Neely Caradine Griggs
2020100 Level: Grace Lynn Gowen
200 Level: Joshua K. Davis
300 Level: Matthew Zediker
500 Level: Sophie Barbara Husslein
2019100 Level: Claudia Chambliss
200 Level: Stephanie Poiroux
300 Level: Susanna Cassisa
500 Level: Carlie Vowell
MA Level: Joshua Smith
2016Michael Day, Maggie Hall, Carlie Vowell
2015Tobi Ku, Sarah Jackson, Illka Malmi
2014Austin Boler, Brianna Johnson, Martina Cotelo, Morgan Philley
2013Jarett Bell, Laura Jones, George Rochelle
2012Jacqueline Boyce, Emmalee King, Kara Johnson, Lance Ezell
2011Veenadhari Gadepalli, Maggie Savely, Stephen Woods, Wesley Youngblood
2010Patrick Mooney, Martin Ducote, Martina Cotelo, Jacqueline Boyce, Kurt Smith
2009Natalie Clayton, David Trewolla, Anna Whitley, Veronika Rozmahelova
2008Michael Capito, Kurt Smith, Courtney Metz
2007Joseph Atkins, Florida Levidiotis, Andrew McCown, John Paul Teel, Kelsey Williams
2004 Lindsey Dawn Etheridge (First Year), Grace Alta Jacobs (Second Year), Christopher Grant Kelly (Second Year), Christopher Blake Shedd (Third Year)

Careers and Alumni

College of Liberal Arts students have access to a strong alumni network. Our German language alumni find careers in all major economic sectors, with the most common including:

  • Business and finance
  • Education
  • STEM, such as energy, manufacturing, science, IT
  • Law
  • Government
  • Healthcare


image of Deeneaus Polk leaning on a rail overlooking a riverDeeneaus “Dee” Polk (B.A. German and International Studies 2011) is the Founder of 3LEVATE, a workforce, economic, and community development intermediary in  the US South. With 3LEVATE, he hopes to build vibrant workforces in rural communities of the future.

And, Germany is Polk’s second home. He spent a year in Germany during high school as a Congress-Bundestag Scholar, and studied abroad at Mainz, Germany while at UM. He returned to Germany many times after graduation, including as a Fulbright Scholar and German Chancellor Fellow. After his Robert Bosch Fellowship in Berlin where he researched Germany’s vocational education training system, Polk became Director of the Mississippi Apprenticeship Program. He hopes to build new and innovative apprenticeship models and foster new transatlantic ties.

Meet Dee Polk and other Alumni

Career Examples

We are proud of the legacy built by German alumni.

  • Senior Brand Manager, Starbucks
  • VP of Finance, Walmart Mexico y Centroamerica
  • Senior Associate, PwC Middle East
  • Owner, Adams Realty
  • Owner, Tom Davis State Farm Insurance
  • Dean, University of North Texas
  • Researcher, Vanderbilt University
  • Teacher, Jones County Schools
  • Teacher, Madison County Schools
  • Tech Support Specialist, Mercedes Benz USA
  • Supervisor, Entergy
  • Logistics Specialist, Halliburton
  • Judge, City of Olive Branch
  • Attorney, Nance and Carmichael
  • Analyst, US Dept of Defense
  • Consultant, US Dept of Transportation
  • Staff, Office of US Senator
  • Physician, Internal Medicine Associates
  • Editor, The Globe-London
  • Company Manager, Atlanta Opera