"HPAO has helped me navigate through my years here at Ole Miss, and without it I don't know where I would be. It has also offered me opportunities to be a part of organizations through the ambassadors and also as a tutor."
Noah Munoz
B.A. in Chemistry
Pursuing the Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
These are terminal degrees for allopathic and osteopathic physicians. Both types of physicians may take on numerous roles in their careers, including seeing patients, conducting research, teaching, managing health care facilities, and developing health care policy, but treating and helping prevent individuals’ illness, disease, and injury is at the heart of the profession. For more information, visit the following online resources.
- Allopathic programs, which are drug-centered approach to medicine, visit AAMC.
- Osteopathic programs, which are a holistice approach to medicine, visit AACOM.
- Different kinds of doctors and specialists, visit Medical News Today webpage.
- Overall pay, work environment, and job outlook, visit the Occupation Outlook Handbook.
The University of Mississippi School of Medicine (UMMC SOM) is located in Jackson, MS, and only accepts residents of Mississippi. HPAO works with UM students across all majors from all states on gaining admission.
HPAO Medical School Admissions Guide
- General Chemistry= CHEM 105/115* & 106/116
- Introductory Biology for Science Majors = BISC 160/161* & 162/163
- General Physics= PHYS 213/223&214/224 (Trig-based) OR 211/221&212/222 (Cal-based)
- Organic Chemistry= CHEM 221/225 & 222/226
- Biochemistry= CHEM 471 (lacks metabolism, preferably 471 and 473) *prerequisite is CHEM 222 (Organic II) OR CHEM 373 (new biochemistry class designed for premeds).
*In order to register for these specific courses, you must have an ACT Math sub-score of 24 or greater, or an SAT Math sub score of 560 or greater, or MATH SAT-R subscore of 580 or greater or ALEKS PPL 76.
Highly Recommended Courses
- Statistics (MATH 115, PSY 202, or BISC 300)
- PSY 201 and SOC 101 (PSY 321 and 319 also help synthesize MCAT knowledge)
- Upper Level Life Sciences (2 from list required for UMMC) like BISC 336, 330, 372, 440, etc
The Health Professions Advising Office Offers:
- personal statement workshops,
- mock interview preparation,
- visits from various medical school admissions representatives and deans throughout the year,
- visits to nearby medical schools,
- free test prep materials,
- and an optional pre-med applicant class (1 credit pass/fail) each spring for those preparing to apply to medical school who want a jumpstart on their application.
When can you apply?
The earliest you can apply to most medical schools is the summer after your junior year of college, 13-15 months before you begin. Students are encouraged to attend sessions with a pre-med advisor in the HPAO to cover information on applications and much more. Medical school application systems (AMCAS; AACOMAS; TMDSAS) officially open around May 1st each year. Expect to spend a minimum of 40 hours on the medical school application and realize that regular applications take 4-6 weeks to verify after submission. Please consult with your pre-med advisor on MCAT and application submission timeline, if early decision is a good option for you, and what schools you should consider applying to.
Writing a recommendation letter for a pre-med student?
Here is some guidance about what medical school admissions teams want in a recommendation.
American Association of Medical Colleges Guidelines for Writing a Letter of Recommendation.