Resources & Scholarships in Classics
The Department of Classics is committed to student success, providing a variety of support and resources to achieve your goals.

Find out about resources to assist with student success.
- Learn about Classics scholarships to support your studies here and abroad.
- Access the Robinson Collection—one of finest collection of Greek and Roman antiquities in the nation.
- Discover student success resources available at the department, college, and university levels.
- Find out more about our affiliated professional groups.
Scholarships and Awards
- Full-time student
- Classics major
- Junior or senior academic standing
Strong applicants will have:
- Demonstrated exceptional ability, professional competence and leadership in the area of language study
Application Process:
- Invitations with specific instructions to apply are sent to declared Classics majors each Spring semester
- Deadline to apply is early April
Priority will be given to students who have financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid, and award amounts vary.
About Dr. Alfred William Milden
The scholarship fund was established in 2004 to honor Dr. Alfred William Milden (1869-1944), a native of Ontario, Canada. He earned his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University in 1899 and joined the UM faculty in 1910 as professor of Greek. Dr. Milden was dean of the College of Liberal Arts from 1920 till 1936. In 1937 he became head of the Department of Classics, a new department organized when the Latin & Greek Departments were combined, and was serving in that capacity at his death.
- Full-time student
Strong applicants will have:
- Demonstrated academic achievement in the study of classics
Application Process:
- Invitations with specific instructions to apply are sent to declared Classics majors each Spring semester
- Deadline to apply is early April
Recipient will be awarded a $1000 annual scholarship.
About Evelyn Way, Harriet Jackson, and Grace Leavell
This scholarship fund was established by Dr. Robert N. Leavell (1924-2004) of Washington, Georgia, to honor three longtime Latin teachers in Oxford & at UM, including Leavell’s mother. Dr. Evelyn Way (1904-1985) was professor of Latin & former chair of the Classics department at UM, retiring in 1972. Harriet Jackson (1904- 1998) received her B.A. in 1924 & M.A. in 1936 from UM and joined the Modern Languages department in 1950 where she taught Latin & French for 21 years, retiring in 1970. Grace Farley Leavell (1893- 1977) received her B.A. in 1913 from UM & taught in the Classics department at The University of Mississippi and at University High School.
- Full-time student
- Classics major
Strong applicants will have:
- Demonstrated an interest in classical archaeology
Application Process:
- Invitations with specific instructions to apply are sent to declared Classics majors each Spring semester
- Deadline to apply is early April
About Mr. Robert L. Lipsey, Jr. and Dr. James Clare Rubright
This scholarship was established in 1984 as a bequest of Dr. James Clare Rubright (1926-1983), who completed an M.A. in Classics at the University of Mississippi in 1950. A native of Akron, OH he received his PhD from Harvard University in 1956. He was a professor of classical archaeology and art history at the Ohio State University and between the years of 1952 and 1974 he participated in 18 archaeological excavations in Southern Arabia, Greece, and Yugoslavia. The fund honors his memory and that of Robert L. Lipsey, Jr. (1925-2009), who received his B.A. in 1950 and M.A. 1951 from UM.
- Full-time student
- Classics major
Strong applicants will have:
- Demonstrated academic achievement in the study of classics
Application Process:
- Invitations with specific instructions to apply are sent to declared Classics majors each Spring semester
- Deadline to apply is early April
About O.J. Webb, Robert Pope Webb, and Ladye Webb Neilson
Dan Camp, developer of the renowned “Cotton District” in Starkville and former mayor of that city, established this scholarship in 2004 in honor of his uncles and aunt, all graduates of the University of Mississippi and natives of Guntown, MS. O. J. Webb (1901-1963) received his BS from UM in 1922. His brother, Robert Pope Webb (1908-1991) received his BA & MA from UM & in 1931 taught Spanish, French, & Greek at Jones County Jr. College. Their sister, Ladye Webb Neilson (1922- 2012) received her B.A. from UM in 1949.
- Full-time student
- Classics major
- Intend to study abroad
Application Process:
- Apply anytime (rolling applications)
- Requests are considered as they are received
Priority will be given to support study abroad experiences in Classics.
About Mike and Mary McDonnell
This endowment was established in 2009 by Mike and Mary “Bickie” McDonnell of Memphis, TN to support students in the Department of Classics. The McDonnells consider the classics to be the focal point of a well-rounded liberal arts education. Mary earned her BA from Mary Baldwin College in 1964 & MA from Memphis State University. Mike was an American history major at Yale University and attributes much of the mental acumen that allowed him to build international hardware distribution company Orgill to his early training in Latin.
- Full-time student
- Classics major
- Intend to study abroad
- Have unexpected or ancillary costs to study abroad
Application Process:
- Apply anytime (rolling applications)
- Requests are considered as they are received
Priority will be given to students with demonstrated financial need.
About Dr. Carmen Posada Pepper and the St. Amant Family
This endowment was established in 2023 by Gabriella and Marshall St. Amant of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and memorializes Gabriella St. Amant’s mother who died in June 2022. Dr. Carmen Posada Pepper was born in Puerto Rico and educated at Tulane Medical School; she worked as a pediatrician for over 50 years. She and he husband, Jerome Pepper, lived in many different countries and deeply valued the cultural perspective fostered by international travel. The gift also honors the educational experience of the couple’s son, Marshall St. Amant, a 2023 graduate who majored in biochemistry and classics on a premed track.
- Female
- Full-time student
- Majoring in at least one of the following fields:
- Classics
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- one of the Modern Languages
- Physics
- Resident of one of the following counties:
- Yalobusha
- Calhoun
- Lafayette
- Grenada
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA
Application Process:
- By nomination only
About Hattie Burke Jackson
This scholarship was established in 2004 by the estate of University of Mississippi alumna Harriet Jackson, who earned her B.A in 1924 and her M.A. in 1936 and joined the Modern Languages department in 1950 where she taught Latin & French for 21 years, retiring in 1970. The scholarship honors Ms. Jackson’s mother, Hattie Talbert Burke Jackson (1868-1917), a Water Valley native who died at the age of 49; her obituary in the Water Valley Progress describes her as “a splendid woman, active in every civic and benevolent work.” Her early passing left Harriet and her three sisters to be raised by their father, Water Valley physician Dr. Manuel Winter Jackson.
Learn more about David M. Robinson
Professor Robinson's life was rich with scholarly accomplishments with contributions to archaeology and classics. His legacy shines brightly at the University of Mississippi.
David M. Robinson Biography
Student Success Resources

The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
The AIA is North America’s oldest and largest organization devoted to the world of archaeology. Its members, all united by a shared passion for archaeology and its role in furthering human knowledge, include:
- Professional archaeologists
- Corresponding members
- Students
- Enthusiasts
The AIA’s mission is to promote archaeological inquiry and public understanding of the material record of the human past to foster an appreciation of diverse cultures and our shared humanity. Its projects include:
- Supporting the research of archaeologists
- Educating people of all ages about the significance of archaeological discovery
- Advocating the preservation of the world’s archaeological heritage
Annual Lecture Series
The annual lecture series of our local society offers the public the opportunity to see and hear presentations by renowned and experienced archaeologists. Talks sponsored by the national headquarters are regularly supplemented by a variety of locally sponsored events.
For additional information, contact Dr. Aileen Ajootian.