
Minor in Ethics and Values

Learn the principles that guide ethical thinking and action.

Professor holding a sheet of paper in front of a screen that says "The Great Debate" surrounded by professionally dressed students sitting at tables.

About this Program

The Department of Philosophy and Religion in the College of Liberal Arts offers the minor in Ethics and Values. Every student, no matter their major or career goals, can benefit from the study of ethics.

Focusing in both the theoretical and practical perspectives, Ethics and Values minors learn to understand the ultimate principles that guide ethical thinking and action. The minor also trains students to engage in independent ethical reasoning and to grasp ethical responsibilities in many different areas of life. 

The Department of Philosophy and Religion is home to many faculty with expertise in ethics, including a privately funded position by a distinguished alumnus with extensive business experience who saw the need for enhancing ethical training among young people. Ethics and Values exposes students to integrity, honest communication, respect, and confidentiality; all of which are crucial to the proper functioning of any organization or company.

A minor in Ethics and Values is useful in 

  • business
  • law
  • medicine
  • non-profit work
  • education
  • government/public service
  • public relations
  • journalism
  • counseling
  • religion
  • social services
  • and more!


On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type


    Area of Study



    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours


    Academic Requirements

    Students in the Ethics and Values minor complete 18 credit hours from the Department of Philosophy and Religion, with 4 courses at the 300 level or above.

    • Phil 101: Introduction to Philosophy
    • Phil 102: Introduction to Professional Ethics
    • Phil 104: Contemporary Moral Issues
    • Phil 204: Intro to Ethical Policy Debate
    • Phil 205: AI Ethics
    • Phil 308/Rel 308: Buddhism
    • Phil 320: Aesthetics
    • Phil 321: Ethical Theory
    • Phil 328/Rel 328: Biomedical Ethics
    • Phil 331: Political Philosophy
    • Phil 344: Moral Psychology
    • Phil 345: Environmental Ethics
    • Phil 347: Advanced Ethical Policy Debate
    • Phil 349/Rel 349: Religious Ethics: Issues and Methods
    • Phil 350: Philosophy of Law
    • Phil 352: Care Ethics
    • Phil 353: Consequentialism
    • Phil 355: Philosophy of Film
    • Phil 357: Business Ethics
    • Phil 365: Ethical Disagreement and Dialogue
    • Phil 372: Conservative Political Philosophy
    • Phil 390: Feminist Philosophy
    • Phil 421: Seminar in Ethical Philosophy
    • Phil 431: Seminar in Legal/Political Philosophy
    • Phil 591: Advanced Seminar in Value Theory

    Pair Ethics & Values with Many Other Programs

    Combine your Ethics and Values Minor with many other subjects based on your interests and career goals.
    Annabelle Harris

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    Annabelle Harris

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