
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Counselor Education

Hone the clinical, teaching, and research skills needed to become an effective counselor educator.

Jennifer Austin Main, Ph.D. Candidate in Counselor Education defends her dissertation at the University of Mississippi.

About this Program

The Ph.D. in Counselor Education develops counselor educators who are prepared to be skillful teachers, expert supervisors, insightful quantitative and qualitative researchers, and outstanding professional faculty at a college or university. 

While the Ph.D. in Counselor Education continues to help practitioners hone clinical skills developed in the Master's program, the Ph.D. program additionally focuses on developing effective counselor educators.   

The Ph.D. in Counselor Education is specifically designed to prepare aspiring faculty. Recent graduates of the program have accepted faculty positions at:

  • The University of North Florida
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • Mississippi State University
  • University of New Orleans
  • University of Louisiana Lafayette
  • University of North Texas
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Oklahoma

The program is a residency program on the Oxford Campus. However, the program does offer assistantship and co-teaching opportunities at the University of Mississippi Tupelo and/or DeSoto Regional Centers.

On this Page…

    Program Information

    Program Type

    Doctorate Program

    Area of Study



    4 years


    Ph.D. in Counselor Education

    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours


    Ph.D. in Counselor Education

    The Ph.D. in Counselor Education requires the following courses for a minimum of 68 credit hours.

    To complete the Ph.D. in Counselor Education, students must complete:

    • 15 hours of Research Component courses
    • 24 hours of Counseling Core courses
    • 5-7 hours of Clinical Core courses
    • 6-9 hours of Specialization Core courses
    • 18 hours of Dissertation

    Research Core (15)

    • EDRS 601 Educational Statistics I
    • EDRS 605 Introduction to Educational Research
    • EDRS 701 Educational Statistics II
    • EDRS 704 Foundations of Qualitative Research Methodology
    • COUN 724 Research and Publication
    • EDRS 705 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods OR EDRS 706: Applied Qualitative Research Methods

    Counseling Core Coursework (24)

    • COUN 720 Professional Identity and Ethics in Counselor Education
    • COUN 721 Advanced Counseling Theory
    • COUN 722 Advanced Multicultural Counseling and Advocacy
    • COUN 723 Supervision
    • COUN 727 Advanced Assessment and Evaluation
    • COUN 734 Doctoral Seminar
    • COUN 735 Grant Writing
    • EDHE 762 College Teaching

    Clinical Core (5-7)

    • COUN 765: Doctoral Practicum - Clinical Practice
    • COUN 795: Doctoral Internship I

    Specialization Core (6-9)

    • Specialization Coursework (6-9)
    • Selection of Courses for Teaching Internship (Integrated above)
    • Selection of Research Topics (Integrated above)

    Dissertation (18)

    • COUN 797: Dissertation

    Students applying to the Ph.D. in Counselor Education must meet the following requirements. Students must have:

    • Hold a completed a master's degree in counseling or related degree program. Preference will be for applicants who are graduates of CACREP accredited programs.
    • Complete a Graduate School application online, uploading the following supplemental materials:
      • official transcripts
      • statement of purpose
      • resume
      • contact information for three references
    • Participate in an interview with faculty.

    To properly complete the application process for fall admission, students must submit all application materials before the following deadlines:

    • Priority application deadline: March 1
    Stephanie Lusk

    We're here for you!

    If you have any questions about the Ph.D. in Counselor Education, don't hesitate to reach out!

    Stephanie Lusk

    Professor of Leadership and Counselor Education

    Next Steps

    Explore Affordability

    We have a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help make college more affordable for you and your family.

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