
Bachelor of Arts in Special Education

Learn to teach all children effectively. Explore evidence-based practices that maximize understanding and social and emotional growth for students with special needs.

Dr. Platt's Course in Special Education Pedagogy Meets at the University of Mississippi Museum for Interactive Instruction

About this Program

The B.A.Ed in Special Education program teaches special education candidates the skills and knowledge needed to be an effective special education teacher in the K-12 setting. The focus of this program is to prepare candidates to teach students with diverse learning needs.

The core focus of the special education program mirrors the Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) standards. These seven CEC standards are organized under four areas of focus: learners and learning environments, curricular knowledge, assessment, specialized pedagogical skills, and professional and collaborative skills.

Our special education candidates:

  • explore the newest methodologies and technologies for assisting and engaging learners with diverse needs;
  • observe and teach in local classrooms, sharpening their pedagogical skills alongside practitioners and school students; and
  • progress through a series of developmentally sequenced field experiences with students at varying grades and exceptionalities.

The B.A.Ed. in Special Education program is approved for a K-12 license with an endorsement in Mild/Moderate and Severe/Profound Disabilities.

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    Program Information

    Program Type


    Area of Study



    4 Years


    B.A.Ed. in Special Education

    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours

    123 Hours

    B.A.Ed in Special Education

    The B.A.Ed. in Special Education requires the following courses for a total of 123 credit hours.

    To complete the Bachelor of Arts of Education in Special Education, students must complete:

    • 6 hours of First Year Writing courses
    • 12 hours of Social/Behavioral Science courses
    • 12-15 hours of Mathematics/Science courses
    • 9 hours of Humanities/ Fine Arts courses
    • 9 hours of General Education courses
    • 65 hours of Professional Education courses
    • 9 hours of Early Childhood Requirement courses

    First Year Writing (6)

    • Writ 101 , Writ 100 OR Hon 101
    • Writ 102, LIBA 102 OR Hon 102

    Social/Behavioral Science (12)

    • SOC OR POL
    • HST (100 level suggested)
    • HST (100 level suggested)
    • GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography

    Mathematics/Science (12-15)

    • MATH 121 (College Algebra) or higher (not to include Math 245 or 246)
    • Physical Science w/lab (Please refer to the Degree Plan for more information)
    • Biological Science w/lab (BISC 110 suggested)
    • Science Elective (lab not required) (Please refer to the Degree Plan for more information)

    Humanities/Fine Arts (9)

    • ENG 220 - 226
    • ENG 220 - 226
    • Fine Arts Elective (AH 101, 102, 201, 202; DANC 200; MUS 102, 103; THEA 201)

    General Education Requirements (9)

    • MATH 245 Math for Elementary Teachers I
    • MATH 246 Math for Elementary Teachers II
    • MUS 329 Music for Children OR EDWP 340 Music and Movement in Elementary

    Professional Education Requirements (65)

    • EDRD 355 Early Literacy Instruction I & II*
    • EDSP 308 Intro to Special Education
    • EDCI 352 Education, Society & the K-12 Learner*
    • EDSP 327 Classroom Management and Behavioral Interventions
    • EDSP 329 Character & Assessment of Individuals w/ Severe Disabilities*
    • EDSP 407 SPED Law and Procedures*
    • EDSP 339 Teaching and Learning with Technology
    • EDCI 353 Planning & Teaching Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice*
    • EDRD 400 Reading Instruction in the Elementary Classroom*
    • EDSP 403 Instructional Strategies for Students with Severe Disabilities*
    • EDSP 335 Assessment of Exceptional Students
    • EDSP 317 Action Lab Seminar*
    • EDSP 401 Collaboration and Conference Strategies
    • EDSP 410 Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
    • EDRD 414 Reading Diagnosis & Intervention
    • EDEL 403 Math Elem Sch OR EDSE 445 Special Methods I Mathematics
    • EDSP 452 Practicum and Field Experience w/ Exceptional Children*
    • EDCI 419 Classroom Assessment
    • EDLE 467 Student Teaching: Exceptional Students*

    *Denotes all courses that contain field experience.

    Early Childhood Requirements (9)

    • EDEC 320 Early Childhood Methods
    • EDEC 321 Early Childhood Development
    • EDEC 323 Special Education for Early Childhood Development

    Remember: Students must complete at least 123 semester hours, with at least 30 of those hours or residence credit in the school. No more than 62 semester hours of credit from a community transfer college and no more than 6 of the last 21 hours may be transfer credit.

    Admission to Phase II of the Teacher Education Program

     To be admitted to Phase II students must:

    • Completion of core curriculum and EDCI 352 (minimum grade "C")
    • Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 on Core
    • Have the appropriate Praxis Core, SAT, or ACT scores OR overall 3.0 GPA on 60+ hours
    • Must complete education courses with a "C" or better


    Applicants to the program must meet these requirements: 

    • 2.5 grade point average (entry admission for transfer students and change of major) 
    • 2.75 grade point average (admission for Phase II: Teacher Education Program) and appropriate scores on either the ACT, SAT or Praxis CORE* (link to Phase II information is posted above under Program Description) 

    *Praxis Core Exemption: Students are exempt from taking the Praxis CORE exam for admission to Phase II if they:

    • Provide proof of an ACT score of at least a 21 composite (or SAT equivalent; View the SAT Equivalency Scoring sheet for more information) OR
    • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a minimum of 60 hours of completed coursework 

    Yearlong Internship and Senior Practicum

    All teacher education candidates in the elementary, health and physical education, secondary, and special education programs are placed in one location during the senior year.

    • The yearlong internship consists of senior practicum and student teaching.
    • Candidates are paired with the same Clinical Instructor for the entire senior year.

    All senior yearlong placements are overseen by a Uuniversity Ssupervisor and are based on the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (InTASC) and Special Professional Association (SPA) Standards.


    Candidates must take three separate Praxis exams to be highly qualified in both mild/moderate and severe/profound disabilities to teach core subject grades K-12.

    For more information on seeking licensure outside Mississippi, please review the Certification information.

    Diane Lawrence Lowry

    Want to learn more?

    We're glad your interested in our program! If you'd like to chat or just need more information, don't hesitate to reach out.

    Diane Lawrence Lowry

    Clinical Associate Professor of Special Education

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