
Bachelor of Arts in English Education

Introduce students to the stories, poems, and plays that reflect and shape our world, while sharpening their skills in critical thinking, research, and organization.

English Education student teaching at the front of the classroom

About this Program

Secondary English Education majors explore the texts, representations, and language that have shaped our world. Along the way, they sharpen their skills in critical thinking and reading, debate and dialogue, research, and expression, and they learn how to support their future students in doing the same.

  • The 122-hour program is approved for a 7-12 license in secondary English. Students pursue 39 hours in core English and related coursework.

There are three phases for education majors: Phase I: Core Curriculum; Phase II: Teacher Education Program; and Phase III: Student Teaching.

  • During Phase III, our teacher candidates observe and teach alongside talented local teachers. In the classroom, students learn effective teaching methods, how to cater to students of different grades and developmental levels, and how to develop a professional disposition.

The Student Advising and Field Experience (SAFE) office works with school partners in establishing placement for these observations.

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    Program Information

    Program Type


    Area of Study



    4 Years


    B.A.Ed. in English Education

    Program Location


    Required Credit Hours

    122 Hours

    B.A.Ed. in English Education

    To complete a B.A.Ed. in English Education requires the following courses for a total of 122 hours.

    To complete the B.A.Ed. in English Education, students must complete:

    • 6 hours of First Year Writing courses
    • 9 hours of Social/ Behavioral Science courses
    • 15-18 hours of Math/Science courses
    • 12 hours of Humanities/Fine Arts courses
    • 3 hours of a Related Area course
    • 36 hours of Major Requirements for Content Area courses
    • 15-16 hours of Elective Area courses
    • 29 hours of Professional Education courses

    First Year Writing (6)

    • WRIT 101, WRIT 100, OR HON 101
    • WRIT 102, LIBA 102, OR HON 102

    Social/Behavioral Science (9)

    • PSY 201
    • HST (100 level suggested)
    • HST (100 level suggested)

    Math/ Science (15-18)

    • MATH 121- College Algebra or higher (not to include MATH 245 or 246)
    • Physical Science w/ lab (Please refer to the degree plan for more information)
    • Biological Science w/ lab (BISC 110 suggested)
    • Science Elective (lab not required) (please refer to the degree plan for more information)
    • Math or Science Elective (not to include MATH 245 or 246)

    Humanities/Fine Arts (12)

    • ENG (220-226)
    • ENG (220-226)
    • Fine Arts (AH 101, 102, 201, 202; DANC 200; MUS 102, 103; THEA 201)
    • Humanities Elective (please refer to the degree plan for more information)

    Related Area (3)

    • EDSE 525- Literature for Today's Teenagers

    Major Requirements for Content Area (36)

    • ENG 300+ Elective in English
    • WRIT 340 Contemporary Writing Studies
    • ENG 306 History of English Language
    • ENG 307 Intro to Literacy Criticism and Theory
    • ENG 310 Introduction to Cinema Studies
    • LIN 355 Modern English Grammar OR LIN 510 Advanced English Grammar
    • Junior Seminar (please refer to the degree plan for more information)
    • ENG Literary Surveys (220-226)
    • ENG Literary Surveys (220-226)
    • LIN 200 Introduction to Linguistic Science
    • ENG 324 Shakespeare OR ENG 425 Seminar in Shakespeare OR ENG 427 Shakespeare on Film

    Electives Area (15-16)

    It is STRONGLY recommended that these hours be used towards an endorsement in Modern Languages, Journalism or Theater Arts.

    Professional Education Requirements (29)

    • EDSP 308 Intro to Special Education
    • EDCI 352 Education, Society and the K-12 Learner*
    • EDSP 327 Classroom Management & Behavioral Interventions
    • EDCI 353 Planning & Teaching Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice*
    • EDSE 400 Principles of Education*
    • EDSE 442 Special Methods I: English
    • EDCI 419 Classroom Assessment
    • EDLE 480 Student Teaching: Secondary Education*

    *Denotes all courses that contain field experience.

    Admission to Phase II of the Teacher Education Program

    To be admitted to Phase II students must:

    • Complete the core curriculum and EDCI 352 (minimum grade "C")
    • Minimum GPA of 2.75 on Core
    • Appropriate Praxis Core, SAT, or ACT scores OR overall 3.0 GPA on 60+ hours
    • Must complete education courses with a "C" or better

    Applicants to the program must meet these requirements:

    • 2.5 grade point average (entry admission for transfer students and change of major)
    • 2.75 grade point average (admission for Phase II: Teacher Education Program) and appropriate scores on either the ACT, SAT or Praxis CORE* (link to Phase II information is posted above under Program Description)

    *Praxis Core Exemption: Students who provide proof of an ACT score of at least a 21 composite (or SAT equivalent; View the SAT Equivalency Scoring sheet for more information) OR have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a minimum of 60 hours of completed coursework are exempt from taking the Praxis CORE exam for admission to Phase II.

    Yearlong Internship and Senior Practicum

    All teacher education candidates in the elementary, health and physical education, secondary, and special education programs are placed in one location during the senior year.

    • The yearlong internship consists of senior practicum and student teaching.
    • Candidates are paired with the same Clinical Instructor for the entire senior year.

    All senior yearlong placements are overseen by a Uuniversity Ssupervisor and are based on the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium Standards (InTASC) and Special Professional Association (SPA) Standards.


    Candidates must take additional Praxis exams to qualify for licensure in Mississippi. Once licensed, candidates will be highly qualified to teach their emphasis subject grades 7-12. Candidates may also qualify for additional add-on endorsements through coursework or Praxis II exams.

    For information on seeking licensure outside Mississippi, please review the Certification information. 

    Rosemary Oliphant Ingham

    Want to learn more?

    We're glad your interested in our program! If you'd like to chat or just need more information, don't hesitate to reach out.

    Rosemary Oliphant Ingham

    Professor of Teacher Education

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