Xiao Sun

Associate Professor of Naval Science

Xiao Joe Sun

Commander Xiao Sun is an Associate Professor of Naval Science in the Department of Naval Science at the University of Mississippi. He is the Executive Officer of the NROTC program.


CDR Xiao J. Sun was born in China and was raised in Parsippany, New Jersey. He is a 2004 graduate from US Naval Academy with BS in Systems Engineering. He earned his Master of Science from University of Arkansas in Operations Management.

CDR Sun’s first assignment was as Communications Officer on USS PRINCETON (CG 59), completing a Mediterranean and Persian Gulf deployment as part of Nimitz Strike Group. After earning his Surface Warfare Officer pin, he attended Nuclear Power School and Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit (Prototype). His nuclear tour was assigned as Reactor Control Division Officer for USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN 77), where he was overall responsible for the safety and operation of number one plant and brought it through initial criticality.

Ashore, CDR Sun served at Navy Recruiting Command as the NUPOC recruiter and responsible for screening and preparing nuclear officer candidates for their Naval Reactor interview. His following assignment was at Norwich University, NROTC as the Nuclear Power Officer/ Assistant professor of Engineering before being hot filled to United States Transportation Command following lateral transfer to Human Resources. As the Executive Officer J1, CDR Sun directly oversaw five J1 divisions and manning of 12 directorates and sub-commands.

In 2015, CDR Sun transitioned to the Navy Reserves. In his civilian job, he worked as the Shift Lean Engineering at General Electric-Lighting Division, Area manager in Operations at Nike – North American Logistic Campus, and most recently Project Engineer at Teleflex Medical Distribution.

As a reservist, CDR Sun worked at Navy Selections Board Executive Service, and in 2019-2020 he mobilized with Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) as Plans and Ops Chief; while on orders at Navy Personnel Command serving as the Shore Placement Officer staffing 274 commands and 1,729 billets. Commander Sun’s personal awards includes two Joint Commendation Medal, three Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and various other unit and campaign awards. 

Courses Taught

  • Nsc 211 Naval Leadership and Management