Careers & Alumni in Music
What can Music majors do after graduation?

Our graduates...
... are working in many different sectors of the economy, with the largest percentages working in k-12 education, arts and media, higher education, and business and finance firms.
- Director of Bands, Southaven
- Director of Bands, Greenville
- Choral Director, Ocean Springs
- Associate Dean, University of New Orleans
- Music Faculty, Arizona State University
- Music Faculty, Berklee College of Music
- Music Faculty, Hinds Community College
- Director of Bands, Itawamba Community College
- Provost, University of Southern Mississippi
- Actor, Jay Lusteck Voice Over
- Freelance Musician, NYC Broadway Musicals
- Owner, Kincaid-Gooch Voice Studio
- Actor Dario Deak
- Nashville Musical Entertainer, Bar B Music
- Piano Accompanist, NORD/NOBA Center for Dance
- Musical Dir./Conductor, National Tour of “Cats”
- Professional Singer, Salzburg Opera Co.
- Musical Director, Second City
- Self-employed Piano Teacher
- Singer Mary Donnelly Haskell
- Music Publisher, Studio 19
- President, Everything Noble
- Project Coord., Acad. Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
- Owner, Kruyer & Associates PR firm
- Music Engraving Manager, Warner Brothers
- Singer, Warner Brothers
- VP, Vining Sparks
- President, Glynn Griffing & Associates
- National Trainer, Time to Teach
- Sr. Research Manager, Market Strategies Intl.
- Owner, Burnham Enterprises band equipment
- Sales, Steinway Piano Gallery
- Realtor, Magnolia Real Estate
- President, Creative Mobilities
- Dir. of Worship/Music, Crossgates United Meth. Church
- Director of Music, Cordova Presbyterian Church
- Pastor, East Baptist Church
- Minister Music/Youth, First Baptist Church
- Self-Employed Music Therapist
- Executive Coord., Rainforest Alliance
- President, MS Band Master’s Assoc
- Band, US Air Force
- Deputy Dir. of Emergency, MS National Guard
- Commanding General, US Army
- Fine Arts Coord., Dept. Defense Schools
- Tax Auditor, State of Texas
Meet a few Alums
See some real world examples of where a Music degree can take you.
Support Music
Our students perform in multiple ensembles, work on research projects, engage with the Lafayette-Oxford-University community, and develop close friendships that prepare them for successful careers. Our department is dedicated to each student’s educational journey and individual growth.
- Perform at top venues across the US and internationally.
- Travel to present and explore research topics.
- Check out the innovative projects that are connecting UM to the world.
- Work with music professors on interdisciplinary research projects.
- Reside in historic Oxford on one of the most beautiful campuses in the United States.
We are proud to produce a wide range of musical events that engage and impact our community.
If you’d like to support the Department in its work, please consider a tax deductible donation through the University of Mississippi Foundation.
Keep in Touch!
Send us your alumni news and we’ll share your story.