Haley Barbour Center for the Study of American Politics


The Haley Barbour Center for the Study of American Politics serves to increase interest in and knowledge of American politics, especially campaigns and elections.

    Our Mission

    The Haley Barbour Center for the Study of American Politics serves to increase interest in and knowledge of American politics, especially campaigns and elections.

    The Barbour Center advances three major elements in support of the Department of Political Science.

    1. Opportunities for students interested in American politics, especially in the area of campaigns and elections. This support ranges from supporting guest speakers to scholarships for experiential learning.
    2. Public discussion of and education about campaigns and elections, as an informed electorate produces a more vibrant democracy. These activities can include public lectures, teacher education, and more.
    3. The pursuit of academic excellence in research in American politics. By supporting research of faculty and students, the Center creates new opportunities for developing knowledge. This support also raises the profile of the Department and the University.

    Barbour Center Programs

    image of Haley Barbour gesturing and talking with a group of students around a table

    Travel Course to Washington DC

    Political science faculty take courses of students to Washington DC to learn about campaigns and elections. Students get an insider’s view of Washington’s political scene through an itinerary of speakers and networking opportunities.

    Read about the Study USA courses
    image of Haley Barbour gesturing and talking while seated on stage with others

    Guest Speakers on Campus

    The Barbour Center helps bring political practitioners to campus.

    In one example, major national and state leaders came together to discuss the challenges and lessons of leadership through crisis and disaster. 

    Read about Leading Through Disaster event
    • image of Haley Barbour speaking while at lectern

      Haley Barbour

      The Barbour Center is named for Haley Barbour, a UM alumnus and a major architect of national politics who served two terms as governor of Mississippi.

      Haley Barbour Bio