The purpose of the Athletics Compliance Committee is to regularly review the policies and procedures that the University has put in place to comply with the rules and regulations of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) and the Southeastern Conference (SEC), in order to determine that these policies and procedures are sufficient to accomplish that purpose. A faculty member of the Intercollegiate Athletics Standing Committee appointed by the chancellor shall chair this committee. In addition to the chair of the committee, the voting membership of the committee shall consist of the following University officers and personnel: Associate Director of Admissions; Vice Chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics; Director of Financial Aid; General Counsel; Provost; Registrar; Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; Faculty Athletics Representative; Senior Associate Director Athletics Director for Compliance; Athletic Eligibility Certification Analyst; a faculty senate representative; a representative from housing; a representative from the bursar’s office; a representative from procurement services; a representative from the athletics business office; the sports supervisors; a representative from the Title IX office; Senior Associate Athletics Director for Student Athlete Development; the Director of the Office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct; and a representative from the Office of Global Engagement.

Committee Membership