The University's Strategic Planning Council is the University's advisory body on institutional planning. The Council brings together representatives of various constituencies to promote a broader consideration of campus-wide strategic initiatives of major scope and importance that often include more than one division. The strategic planning efforts addressed by the Council will be shared with the University's constituencies through the members. Wherever feasible and timely, the work of the Council will be integrated with existing planning processes in the University divisions and organizational units. The Council shall meet on a regular basis and, on an annual basis the Council will issue a report summarizing planning activities and achievements for the previous year. As a University-wide group involved in campus-wide planning, the Strategic Planning Council is responsible for making recommendations to the Chancellor, Provost, and Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance for action or consideration, after consultation with the appropriate campus constituencies. Faculty Senate representatives will serve 3 (three) year terms.

Committee Membership

  • Dr. Noel E. Wilkin
    CHAIR : Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Mr. Michael A. Barnett
    Representative : Chair of Theatre Arts
    Member from 08/15/2022 to 08/15/2025
  • Dr. Patrick D. Curtis
    Faculty : Member
    Member from 08/15/2022 to 08/15/2025
  • Dr. Christian Sellar
    Faculty : Faculty Senate
    Member from 08/15/2022 to 08/15/2025
  • Mrs. Elizabeth T. Mason
    Staff : Staff Council
    Member from 08/15/2023 to 08/15/2026
  • Dr. Premalatha Balachandran
    Staff : Staff Council
    Member from 08/15/2022 to 08/15/2025
  • Ms. Deetra A. Wiley
    Staff : Staff Council
    Member from 08/15/2022 to 08/15/2025
  • Dr. John C. Higginbotham
    Representative : Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs
    Member since 08/15/2024
  • Dr. Charlotte F. Pegues
    Representative : Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Dr. Matteo D'Alessio
    Representative : Faculty Senate
    Member from 08/15/2023 to 08/15/2026
  • Dr. Daniel W. Durkin
    Representative : Faculty Senate
    Member from 08/15/2023 to 08/15/2026
  • Ms. Christine S. Nielson
    Representative : Faculty Senate
    Member from 08/15/2023 to 08/15/2026
  • Dr. Hans P. Sinha
    Representative : Faculty Senate
    Member from 08/15/2023 to 08/15/2026
  • Dr. John F. Yaun
    Representative : Student Housing
    Member since 08/15/2022
  • Dr. Peter W. Grandjean
    Representative : Dean of the School of Applied Sciences
    Member since 08/15/2022
  • Mr. Richard L. Bradley
    Representative : Provost Office
    Member since 08/15/2022
  • Dr. Ethel Y. Scurlock
    Representative : Dean of the McDonnell-Barksdale Honors College
    Member since 08/15/2022
  • Dr. Shawnboda D. Mead
    Representative : Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Community Engagement
    Member since 08/01/2020
  • Ms. Cecilia E. Botero
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Libraries
    Member since 08/15/2016
  • Mr. Paul J. Caffera
    Representative (Non-Voting) : University Ombuds
    Member since 05/01/2017
  • Mr. Chad M. Hunter
    Representative (Non-Voting) : University Architect
    Member since 04/15/2024
  • Mr. Steven G. Holley
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
    Member since 08/15/2023
  • Mr. Robert B. Drew
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Human Resources
    Member since 08/15/2023
  • Mr. Ryan T. Hamill
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Assistant Director for Strategic Planning
    Member since 01/02/2023
  • Dr. Emily K. Ferris
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Outreach and Continuing Education
    Member since 08/15/2022
  • Mrs. Virginia R. Chavis
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Provost Office
    Member since 08/15/2021
  • Mr. Dean L. Hansen
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Director of Facilities Management
    Member since 10/01/2018
  • Mr. James R. Zook
    Representative (Non-Voting) : University Communications
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Ms. Charlotte P. Parks
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Development
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Mr. John C. Adrian
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Administration & Finance
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Dr. Richard G. Forgette
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Provost Office
    Member since 08/15/2018
  • Dr. Nishanth J. Rodrigues
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Chief Information Officer
    Member since 09/05/2017
  • Mrs. Anna B. Thomson
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Office of Global Engagement
    Member since 08/15/2017
  • Dr. Anna K. Busby
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Dir. of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, Planning & SACS Liaison
    Member since 08/15/2016
  • Dr. Anthony P. Ammeter
    Representative (Non-Voting) : Provost Office
    Member since 08/15/2015
  • Slot1 Vacant
    External Person (Non-Vot : Athletics Representative
    Member since 08/15/2023
  • Ms. Hannah Watts
    Undergraduate : Associated Student Body (President)
    Member from 08/15/2024 to 08/15/2025
  • Ms. Emily Rasmussen
    Graduate : Graduate Student Council President
    Member from 08/15/2024 to 08/15/2025