
Sydney Lynch

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    B.A. in Classics; minors in Museum Studies, Intelligence and Security Studies, Art History ( College of Liberal Arts )
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  • About

    Sydney is a Classics major with minors in Museum Studies, Art History, and Intelligence and Security Studies. She works for the University Museum cataloging their collections as well as facilitating lessons in art and art history for elementary school-aged children. Sydney also serves as president of Eta Sigma Phi, UM’s Classics Honor Society.

Get to Know Sydney Lynch

Why did you choose to attend UM?

I chose to attend UM because of the fantastic opportunities I would have afforded through the Classics department. From studying abroad to a great variety of classes that I could take, my ability to learn and grow as a Classics student at UM was unmatched at any other University.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I chose my Classics major in my senior year of high school because Latin was always my favorite class. Similarly, I chose my Museum Studies minor during my first year of college because I loved attending museums while growing up and wanted to learn more about how they are run. During my sophomore year, I added my major in Art History and minor in Intelligence and Security Studies to pursue a possible career in Art/Cultural heritage crime.

What would you tell a high school student about your major?

Classics is such a versatile major. Unlike other majors that teach you one skill that only applies to a specific career field, Classics gives students skills in critical thinking, communication, and analytical writing that are useful in various careers that are not only Classics related.

Why is your department a special place?

My department is a special place because of the community of passionate professors and students that enrich our classes and extracurricular activities.

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM?

  1. The small classes and great professors
  2. The passion the professors have for the subject they teach
  3. The community in the department

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

Archaeological Ethics, taught by Dr. Dibiasie-Sammons, was one of my favorite and most impactful classes ever. It was actually because of her lectures about antiquities trafficking and cultural heritage protection that I added my Art History major and Intelligence and Security Studies minor.

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?

One of my favorite moments at UM was the Days of Intrigue simulation day. Every spring, Intelligence and Security Studies minor students can join teams representing U.S. Intelligence agencies and work through a mock security issue.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

I hope to attend a graduate program for Security Studies and then pursue a career in Intelligence.

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford?

After school, I work at our University Museum and the Writing Center! While they are not technically hobbies, I love both jobs, and they have been a great way to take a break from schoolwork! I also love to go to the gym or do Pilates!

What are you binge watching or reading right now?

I am binge watching Blacklist and The Soprano's. I also have been reading The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire!

What are some dream travel destinations?

I would love to go to Svalbard island, Egypt, Greece, Peru, Ireland, and Austria!

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you would tell your past self?

It is okay to change your mind about the path you want to take; if you do not like your major or something you are doing, then change it up! Do not just stick with it because you feel you will disappoint people. Prioritize your happiness.

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