
Sofia Euyoque

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    B.M. in Music Education ( College of Liberal Arts )
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    Sofia is majoring in Music Education. She is a member if the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, and the Luckyday Scholars Program. She is the Drum Major for the Pride of the South Marching Band and is plays Bass Clarinet in the UM Wind Ensemble.

Get to Know Sofia Euyoque

Why did you choose to attend UM?

Not only does the University of Mississippi offer great scholarship opportunities, the staff when visiting the campus made me feel very welcome. They answered every question I had and if they didn’t, they followed up with an email that did. I wanted to be involved in campus-life, and the programs and clubs here are endless! The campus just felt different than the others I have visited and I knew this was going to be my home away from home.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I have always had a passion for teaching and I loved music and how it could influence people for the better so I said “why not do both?”. But growing up, I was pressured by my peers and teachers to enter the medical field so that’s what I told adults that would ask young me. The summer before entering high school, I had a dream that I was a band director taking my band to contest. I took that as a sign that I should pursue my dreams instead of following what everyone else wanted for me.

What would you tell a high school student about your major?

The advice I would give to anyone curious about pursing music as a career is to make sure they know what all it involves. Maybe have a call or coffee with an ambassador, recruiter, alumni, band director, or an advisor. To me, music education is a major that you need a passion and a drive for because although fun, it can be tedious at times. And at the end of the day, that drive gives you the reminder of why you are doing this (you chose your reason:)). Personally, my freshman year was the most I have ever learned about music and it was a little overwhelming at first. But with the combination of the staff helping me and an open mind I learned and learned like no one’s business.

Why is your department a special place?

The UM Music Department is a special place because everyone knows everyone, and you grow up alongside your peers. For the most part, you have the same professors throughout your college career which I like because they learn about you and how you learn. The people you enter with are the same people that you are going to be in every class with, so you get to make friends which is a necessity to survive college (in my opinion). Building wise, The Nest is the hangout spot of the department. Here you can find people doing homework, practicing conducting, or people goofing off. This is the student networking place. Do you need help with theory? The Nest. Do you need a charger? The Nest. The Department is also what you make of it. A positive mindset makes for a positive environment.

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

I am in the Honors College, and as a first-year requirement you must take Honors 101 and Honors 102. When I discovered that the class was available to take with Professor Nancy Balach, the chair of the music department, I wanted to take her section immediately! As a future educator, I want to see how someone who has an administrative leadership position in one subject (music) teaches in another subject (writing). The way she can guide the class during our daily discussions on either medicine, religion, or even phenomena in the natural world and relate to our daily and future lives is how I strive to be as an educator.

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?

I have to say, the very first time performing The Grove Show my freshman year was surreal. It is so loud, yet I could hear my racing heartbeat as we performed the hype chorale. The fans cheering just brought me so much happiness.

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford?

When I get some free time, I usually spend it just sitting outside or watching movies depending on the weather. My best friends I met through Luckyday and I love to cook and watch TV as well. My hobbies include cooking, shopping, crafts, and binge watching Good Mythical Morning on YouTube.

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