Madeline Harris

  • Program

    B.A. in Biochemistry; minor in Psychology ( College of Liberal Arts )
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  • About

    Madeline is majoring in Biochemistry and double minoring in Psychology and Biology. Outside of class, she is an Honors College Ambassador, Luckyday Scholar, and HART Lab Research Assistant. She is involved in Psychology Club, Korean Student Organization, SMACS (Student Members of the American Chemical Society), and the American Medical Women’s Association.

Why did you choose to attend UM?

I loved the community that Oxford provided. UM also provides infinite amount of resources to ensure the success of their students. I knew coming here I'd find a strong support system.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I initially was not a part of the College of Liberal Arts, I was an Engineering student, but was not happy with that path. I chose my Biochemistry through the College of Liberal Arts as it provided a more holistic education that has helped me immensely. From there, I picked a CLA minor in psychology after joining a research lab on campus that I loved!

What would you tell a high school student about your major?

I would tell them it's the best of both worlds between Chemistry and Biology. It sounds scary/hard but in reality, you get a more in depth understanding of how Chemistry/Biology interact in everyday life. I would let them know if they are interested in pursuing is to go ahead and sign up for the major, they will start off taking both biology and chemistry freshman classes. If they like both classes, continue!!

Why is your department a special place?

Coulter Hall is hands down my favorite building on campus. I feel instantly comfortable walking in to see my friends in the lobby so often. The Starbucks inside the building is also the best on campus by far.

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

Dr. Pedigo who has taught CHEM 471/473/580 has by far had the most impact on my academic career. She is hilarious and so passionate about the subjects she is teaching. She will 100% do anything she can to help you succeed in her class.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

I plan to attend Medical School after graduation.

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self?

Don't be so hard on yourself!! No one has their life together, we are all figuring it out.

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