
Luke Pierson

  • Program

    B.A. in Philosophy; Economics; minor in Data Science ( College of Liberal Arts )
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  • About

    Luke is double majoring in Philosophy and Economics, and minoring in Data Science. Outside of class, he is involved in the IFC Judicial Board, and Operation Smile.

Why did you choose to attend UM?

The Scholarship opportunities at UM are very good and when combined with the welcoming charm of Oxford, I knew I wanted to come to the 'Sip.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

As a student who has always been interested in law school, I learned that philosophy can be a great pre-law major. I met with some of the faculty and talked to some of my peers who were philosophy majors and decided it was right for me. I originally had a different major when I entered the university but I changed it to philosophy after my freshman year and haven't looked back.

What would you tell a high school student about your major?

I would say that Philosophy classes help to prepare you for so much more than just law school or getting a graduate degree in philosophy which can be a common misconception. Philosophy classes teach valuable critical thinking skills that most other job applicants will lack. A philosophy degree can be used in so many fields. UM also has fantastic philosophy professors.

Why is your department a special place?

All philosophy classes that I have been in have had a small class size and been very engaging. I believe that the way philosophy professors teach is different than a lot of other professor's since they try to promote heavy engagement with the material and even disagreement with the material.

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

Taking Phil 350, Philosophy of Law, was one of the best experiences I've ever had in a classroom environment. Dr. Graham is extremely knowledgeable and his class is super interesting. I'm slightly biased since I was already interested in law before taking 350, but I do believe anyone could become interested in legal jurisprudence after this class. I actively recommend it to everyone I know in the philosophy major or who is pre-law.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

I hope to attend law school somewhere in the southeast. I'm very interested in practicing law and the south has really grown on me since starting school here at UM

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self?

Be open to friendships that you wouldn't expect. I have made so many friends that look and act completely different then my friends from high school. Different is not always bad.

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