
Jennifer Asiimwe

  • Program

    Public Health ( School of Applied Sciences )
  • Hometown

    Rwanda ()
  • Involvement

    Certified Peer Educator
  • About

    I was born in Rwanda and then moved to the United States 7 years ago. I love being outside, especially if it involves me being active, and anything involving eating, I'll be there. I'm a big yapper honestly. I know my friends are tired of me always calling them randomly during the day to talk! I can talk about anything! I also love having someone who I can just go to and just talk and all they do is listen. For some reason, it is very like an immediate relief that someone knows how I feel and is understanding. I think as a Certified Peer Educator that is something I want to be able to provide for my peers.

What would you like to share about your personal wellness journey?

Coming from a household with strict parents, I suddenly found myself with so much freedom when I got to university. It was overwhelming, and I wanted to do everything! I did not prioritize my school work and adjusting to college life was very hard for me. To add another layer of stress, I was constantly worrying about finances and my grades reflected the bad lifestyle I created during freshman year. It was hard but I would not change anything about my experience because it taught me so much about myself: resilience and responsibility. The important thing is to learn from my past and that's what I'm doing.