
Haley Warren

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    B.A. in Political Science; minor in Korean ( College of Liberal Arts )
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    Haley is double majoring in Political Science and History. Outside of class, she is involved in the Associated Student Body, the John Quincy Adams Society, the Korean Language table, and Kappa Delta.

Get to Know Haley Warren

Why did you choose to attend UM?

The beautiful campus made me want to be a student here. 

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I chose political science as my major in high school because I was interested in learning more about government and politics. I chose to add history while in college because it is my favorite subject. 

What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them to know if they're interested in pursuing that field of study?

I would tell them that a political science degree gives you various opportunities. You do not even have to consider yourself a political person to find this degree interesting. Whether you want to go to Washington D.C. for an internship or go to law school, a political science degree is perfect for someone coming into college who does not have their future goals figured out. A history degree is also great for those who love writing and researching. History classes have polished my research and writing skills, which will serve me well in my future endeavors. 

Why is your department a special place?

My departments are special places because we are always given opportunities to be involved. It is also very easy to make friends within the departments because there are many opportunities to work together in class. The teachers in the history and political science departments are truly what make going to class easy.  

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).

  1. The teachers 
  2. The events the department host
  3. The advisors

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

A professor that has had the most impact on me is Dr. Klingler. I have taken three courses with him, and my favorite was Pol 391. He is a professor who will reward you for the hard work you do, thoroughly answer your questions, and he will always take time out of his hectic schedule to write you a letter of recommendation.

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?

My most enjoyable moments at the UM are game-day weekends. Trashcan Friday and the Grove on gameday are the best weekends in Oxford.  

What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/ plans for postgraduation?

I hope to get a political internship in Washington D.C. and go to law school after I graduate. 

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?

I like to play pickleball, go shopping on the square, play guitar on my porch, work out, got to YaYas, and hang out with my friends. 

What is your go-to meal in Oxford?

My go to meal is El Charro with my roommates. 

What are you binge watching or reading right now?

I am binge-watching Bridgerton in preparation for the new season.  

What are some dream travel destinations?

I want to go to Switzerland, Lake Como in Italy, and go back to South Korea. 

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self (about the general college experience)?

I would tell myself to be more involved and apply for more opportunities. I would stress that you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.