
Darlin Saenz Lopez

  • Program

    Allied Health Studies ( College of Liberal Arts )
  • Involvement

    Certified Peer Educator
  • About

    Aside from being a Peer Educator, I'm involved with Kesem (which is a group that supports children whose parents have cancer). I am also looking forward to getting involved more this year!
Darlin Saenz Lopez

What wellness topics are you most passionate about?

I’m most passionate about Mental Health and how it looks different for everyone but there are so many helpful ways to deal with it and asking for help is so important and you have to remember that no one is going to judge you we all want to support and uplift you!

What is something you wish students knew about wellness resources on campus?

I just wish students were well-informed about a lot of resources that they have on campus and how to access them better. A great first step is stopping by the William Magee Center!