
Chloe Mabus

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    B.A. in Biochemistry; minor in Gender Studies ( College of Liberal Arts )
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    Chloe is pursuing a B.A. in Biochemistry with a minor in Gender Studies. She is a Provost Scholar and the Campus Outreach Co-Chair of the Student Members of the American Chemical Society. She is also a member of UM RASA.

Get to Know Chloe Mabus

Why did you choose to attend UM?

I decided to attend the University of Mississippi because of all the wonderful things I had heard about UM’s Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. I knew that I wanted to major in biochemistry, and I felt that Ole Miss had the program that I had been looking for. Additionally, I knew how much I loved UM’s atmosphere. The University of Mississippi is one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen, and you can tell that the students enjoy going here.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I had outstanding science teachers in high school that were top contributors to my success in high school and in my classes. They always wanted me to strive for the greatest opportunities and to be my best at all times. As a student, being able to see how much they loved science made me fall in love with it. I was lucky enough to be a part of the Rural Medical and Science Scholars Program at Mississippi State University as a representative of my school in 2020, and through the program, I made the firm decision to major in biochemistry to hopefully become a Pediatric Oncologist. As for my minor, I originally had a minor in English because I always loved to write, but recently I decided to change my minor to Gender Studies. I took Gender Studies 201 in the spring of 2023, and I learned so much about different aspects of the world, gender, race, women, and so much more that I had never even heard of. It was such an eye-opening course, and after speaking with my professor, I chose to change my minor.

Why is your department a special place?

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department has provided me with so many opportunities that I would never have dreamed of being able to do. I like to make the joke that “I live in Coulter Hall” because that is where you will always find me! Everyone in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department has made Coulter feel like the safest place on campus for me. You will meet some of the kindest people, and that is where I have made some of my greatest friends.

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM?

My three favorite things about my major/department would have to be Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS), getting to take organic chemistry I lab, and having such a supportive group of people and mentors in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department!

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

Dr. Emily Rowland has had a major impact on my life and my college experience. I had to drop out of her organic I class during the fall of 2022 due to some medical issues, and Dr. Rowland was one of the most understanding professors and always encouraged me to talk to her if I ever needed anything. When I came back in the spring of 2023, Dr. Rowland always made sure to speak to me and make me feel comfortable since I was re-taking the class. Dr. Rowland encouraged me to have a bigger role in SMACS, become a Liberal Arts Ambassador, and so much more. I now am so much more involved in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department thanks to her kind words of encouragement. I would not be where I am today without her!

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?

One of my most enjoyable moments at UM was being able to work with UMRASA on the Clothesline Project. The Clothesline Project is something UMRASA began this year that provides students, professors, and faculty members who have been a victim of sexual assault an anonymous way to speak about their thoughts and feelings by writing their story on a t-shirt and having it displayed in the Grove. It was one of the saddest, yet most beautiful experiences that I had the opportunity to be a part of this year at UM. It provided an outlet for many who did not get the opportunity to grieve their experiences, and I am so incredibly thankful that I was able to take part in this awe-inspiring moment at the university.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

After I graduate, I plan to attend medical school to become a pediatrician with a specialization in Oncology. I am also hoping to dive further into some research opportunities while working towards my M.D.

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