
Celeste Lay

  • Class

    Class of 2025
  • Program

    Journalism ( School of Journalism and New Media )
  • Hometown

    Tyler, TX (South)
  • Involvement

    Greek Life, Student Activities Association
  • About

    My name is Celeste Lay, and I am majoring in Multimedia Journalism with a minor in Hospitality Management. I am involved in Greek Life as a Chi Omega, where I serve as the Homecoming Chair. I am also the Promotions Chair for the School of Journalism and New Media Ambassador program. Outside of school, I compete in pageantry where I have placed first runner-up to Miss Mississippi Volunteer 2023.
Celeste Lay

Why did you choose to attend UM?

Even though the university is seven hours away from my family, I feel at home with the community here in Oxford. As soon as I stepped foot on campus I knew this was my home for the next four years.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

Growing up I would watch the morning news with my dad before I left for school and I would always pretend to be the anchor or meteorologist. I also have always had a love for writing and creating my own stories. When looking at future careers going into college, I knew I wanted to do something that I would love doing for the rest of my life. Journalism is the perfect major for me.

What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them to know if they’re interested in pursuing that field of study?

Journalism is a rewarding major. I am so thankful to the School of Journalism and New Media for pushing me to be my best and to have a positive outlook on this career. Something important about this field of study is, Journalism may seem like an easy major/minor, but what you don't realize going into it is the amount of work behind the scenes. There are so many paths in Journalism such as broadcasting, print, social media, Public Relations, etc. Don’t give up because I promise it gets easier the more you learn.

Why is your school/department a special place?

The community in the School of Journalism and New Media is like no other. When I walk through the doors of Farley Hall I know I’ll run into a student or professor that I know! It’s like one big family!!

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM?

  1. The community
  2. The education
  3. The memories

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you’ve taken that has had the most impact on you?

Jour 480 with Dr. Debora Wenger is such a beneficial class. It’s a five hour class but I promise you it’s worth it. You spend one day out of your week going into the city or university and reporting on your chosen story for the week. Then you come back to Bishop Hall, where the Student Media Center is, edit and submit your story and you are done for the week! You learn so much throughout this class!

What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?

Being a part of the SOJNM Ambassador program is something I don’t regret joining. I have met some amazing people through this program and it’s helped me get more involved with my university and school!

What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/plans after graduation?

After graduation I plan to apply to major networks across the country. I know that wherever I am placed I will be happy with because I know I am well prepared thanks to the School of Journalism and New Media.

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?

Outside of school, I enjoy spending quality time with my roommates and my friends. We
love grabbing dinner together every week and continue to grow our friendships. I also
love shopping on the Square! There are so many adorable boutiques on the square that
satisfy my shopping needs!

What is your go-to meal in Oxford?

I LOVE St. Leo's Pizza!! Literally any pizza from that restaurant is amazing!

What are you binge-watching or reading right now?

Currently I am binge-watching Friends… but when am I not doing that?! It’s my favorite show!

What are some dream travel destinations?

I have always dreamed of traveling to Paris! I have never been out of country (excluding Canada and Mexico) so this would be a dream come true.

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self (about the general college experience)?

8 AM classes may seem like an annoyance but it’s better to have an early class than one later in the day! You can get a lot accomplished when your classes are in the morning!

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