
Cate Drane

  • Program

    Public Health and Health Sciences ( School of Applied Sciences ), Public Policy Leadership ( College of Liberal Arts )
  • Hometown

    Natchez, MS (South)
  • Involvement

    Service and Community Engagement
  • About

    Cate Drane, class of 2026, has passions to shape the future of healthcare and public policy. Originally from Natchez, MS, she is now proud to call the School of Applied Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts her academic homes. When she's not hitting the books, you'll find her involved in a mix of campus activities, from AOII and SAA to serving as an L+E and Trent Lott Leadership Ambassador. She is also an Honors College student, passionate Luckyday scholar, and a fierce competitor playing tennis. With a heart dedicated to public health and the future of our nation's policies, she is so excited to be an SAS Ambassador! Follow her on Instagram @catedrane to stay connected!
Cate Drane portrait.

Why did you choose to attend UM?

Even though both my parents and my older sister had attended UM, I choose Ole Miss because I could create my own legacy and a lasting impact on the University. There was no other University, in my opinion, that gave undivided attention, support, and genuine care to its students, especially within the School of Applied Science.

When and why did you choose your major/minor?

Ever since I was very young, I knew I wanted to become a physician. Seeing both of my parents in the healthcare field, health was always in the forefront of my household. Knowing I didn’t want to major in a science that was not fully applicable in my everyday life, Public Health was the best option for me especially when the material from the courses that comprise the major, I tend to apply almost every single day.

What are your career goals?

After graduation, I wish to attend medical school to eventually become an Interventional Radiologist.

Why is Luckyday so special to you?

Luckyday is special to me because it fosters an amazing living and learning community for freshman and creates a solid foundation for students beyond their first year experiences at the University. Luckyday, with their mentors, provided me with plenty of resources to ensure I was successful at Ole Miss, and I can confidently say I would not be the student I am today without the Luckyday Program!

Is there a professor who has been particularly helpful to you?

Dr. Ashley White Jones has been the best and most relatable professor!

What has been a particularly meaningful way you have engaged in a community? (Either on or off campus?

The most meaningful way that I have engaged in the community since my time here at Ole Miss is working with underprivileged children in Quitman County through Mississippi Mission Acceleration. I had the opportunity to teach 4 lovely second graders how to read my freshman year, and I continue to work with the program because how impactful it is on the education of the children and the public health of the community.

What do you like to do outside of school (hobbies/interests)?

I love playing tennis!

What are you binge watching/reading/listening to?

Zach Bryan’s new album, Boy's of Faith, is what I am constantly listening to.

What is your favorite place to eat in Oxford?

For sure Ajax Diner. It is the best!

What are some dream travel destinations (and why?)

Australia is at the top of my list for dream travel destinations because I am a big scuba diver and unfortunately due to the environmental crisis, the Great Barrier Reef is dying. I wish to go see is before it is too late.

What’s your favorite place to study on or off campus and why?

My favorite place to study on campus is my sorority house because I can surround myself with driven likeminded individuals but also many of my peers within the School of Applied Science.

Why is your department a special place?

My department is a special place because Public Health is diverse and can be applied to almost any subject, place, and career.

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).

My favorite things at Ole Miss is the inclusivie and diverse environment but also the grove on gamedays.

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