
Ava Ortwein

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    B.A. in Philosophy; Writing, Rhetoric, and Speech Communication; minor in Classics ( College of Liberal Arts )
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  • About

    Ava is double majoring in Writing, Rhetoric, and Speech Communications; and Philosophy. She is minoring in Classics. Outside of class, she is a member of the honors college, and the Magnolia Grove Audubon Conservation Chapter.

Why did you choose to attend UM?

I chose UM for a variety of reasons! When I first visited our campus, I was amazed at its beautiful woods and flowers and old oak trees in the Grove. I love being in nature and I really appreciated the landscape here at UM. Aside from this, I wanted to go to school in-state and UM was the best option for me.

When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?

I've always loved to read and write and I found that my two majors, Rhetoric and Philosophy, synthesized these two loves. Writing something is almost like painting with letters. You have to meld together the different elements of grammar and linguistics and make it all fit together like a puzzle. I like a challenge, and writing something skillfully and well can definitely be difficult! I chose Philosophy because I love to learn about different Ideas and read things from different perspectives!

What would you tell a high school student about your major?

That writing is so immensely important, and that by learning to really write, one learns the skill that preserved all of our philosophies, and accounts of events, and the thoughts of people who have been gone for centuries. Rhetoric is also so important if you want to learn the art of persuasive communication, critical thinking and effective argumentation!

Why is your department a special place?

I love the Rhetoric Department because of how kind and dedicated its faculty are, and the excellent courses that teach you both the theory and practice of writing.

Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?

My first philosophy class I had here at UM, with Dr. Robert English, was very influential in shaping the course of my decisions regarding my becoming a Philosophy major. Through his teaching, repertoire of knowledge, and genuine care for his students, he made me realize that I wanted to study philosophy and get my degree in the subject! I also have to give a shout out to Dr. Steven Monroe, who had a similar effect on me, but in the Rhetoric Department.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

My intention is to get my masters and PHD in theology, specifically Patristic literature and Liturgics. Once I've finished my education I want to go on and become a professor!

Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford?

I love to hike and go on walks. One of my favorite places to walk in oxford are The Railroad Trails. Wall Doxey State Park is also very beautiful! Aside from this, I hold the the position of president for the Orthodox Christian Fellowship here at UM, so I plan out events and prepare for that.

What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self?

I wish I would have known how quickly time passes! I used to think in terms of days, and now I think of unites of time in weeks. I would tell myself to savor the moment, and appreciate the everyday things, because they pass so quickly. This is important to remember when getting homework done especially! It’s important to give yourself enough time to get assignments done.

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